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So far Kailynn N has created 157 blog entries.

Setting Up the Perfect Puppy Den for Your Cocker Spaniel


Training your Cocker Spaniel to stay inside a puppy pen can give you peace of mind when you need to leave him at home. You don’t need to stress about leaving your puppy for too long, and you don’t have to worry that he’s destroying your house. A puppy den helps potty train your Cocker

6 Ways to Keep Cocker Spaniel Fur Shiny


Shiny Cocker Spaniel fur doesn’t last forever, but every owner wishes it does. It’s natural for dog owners to want to keep their pet’s fur shiny and silky. Not only does it look lovely, but it also indicated good health. However, just like us, Cocker Spaniels are prone to hair conditions that can make their

How to Remedy Cocker Spaniel Tear Stains


You’ve probably noticed the dark brown stains, also known as cocker spaniel tear stains, under your dog’s eyes. At some point, you might’ve even thought your dog was crying. Tear stains are more visible in breeds with light fur, and they can indicate several health concerns. What are cocker spaniel tear stains? Cocker spaniel tear

Do Cocker Spaniels Howl? 4 Ways to Stop Them from Howling


American cocker spaniels are fun to have around the house, but do cocker spaniels howl? With the right training, cocker spaniels can be the most loving and friendly dogs, however, there is one dreaded problem that seems to pop up from time to time: cocker spaniel howling. Dogs howl as one way to communicate, attract

Why Does My Dog Scratch the Carpet: Cocker Spaniel Behaviors


Have you ever caught yourself wondering, "Why does my dog scratch the carpet?" If you're a Cocker Spaniel owner, you're not alone in this curious concern. We know it can be frustrating to see your furniture and carpets damaged after leaving them alone for a few seconds. In this insightful guide, we'll explore the peculiar

Do Cocker Spaniels Smell? 5 Reasons Why Your Dog Smells Bad


Why do cocker spaniels smell? How can such sweet little fur babies manage to stink? Doggie odor is a common complaint that veterinarians and groomers get from dog owners. While not all dogs have a bad smell, some breeds have been known to smell known, such as Basset Hounds, Cocker Spaniels, and Labrador Retrievers. Fortunately,

Spay and Neuter Your Cocker Spaniels: 5 Common Myths


Whether you’re considering bringing home or have already brought home an American Cocker Spaniel into your family, we know how you are so eager to discover ways on how to give them the life that they deserve. This includes a good physical, mental, and emotional life. One of the first things to consider as a

Puppy Socialization Ideas: A Short Guide for Cocker Spaniel Puppy


Puppy Socialization Ideas should be adopted early for Cocker Spaniels. The amazing thing about Cocker Spaniels is that they are already highly sociable creatures - making them great house pets especially in homes with children. However, as pet parents, we have the responsibility to provide a friendly environment and socialization activities to them. This is

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