Category: Behavior

Dogs 101: How to Stop Cocker Spaniels Digging


When you become a fur parent, there are a lot of things you should learn including how to stop cocker spaniels digging. They might be creating a topsy-turvy mess in your garden, leaving holes and big piles of dirt on your lawn. While it’s a natural instinct for your cocker, there are techniques to make

Treating Cocker Spaniel Ear Infection the Right Way


Cocker spaniel ear infection is a significant concern for any fur parent worrying about their pooch’s health. Since this breed’s ears are long, floppy, and hang low to the ground, they tend to build up moisture, which fosters yeast growth. Ear infections thrive in the dark and moist ear canal, making it the breeding ground

Do Cocker Spaniels Howl? 4 Ways to Stop Them from Howling


American cocker spaniels are fun to have around the house, but do cocker spaniels howl? With the right training, cocker spaniels can be the most loving and friendly dogs, however, there is one dreaded problem that seems to pop up from time to time: cocker spaniel howling. Dogs howl as one way to communicate, attract

Why Does My Dog Scratch the Carpet: Cocker Spaniel Behaviors


Have you ever caught yourself wondering, "Why does my dog scratch the carpet?" If you're a Cocker Spaniel owner, you're not alone in this curious concern. We know it can be frustrating to see your furniture and carpets damaged after leaving them alone for a few seconds. In this insightful guide, we'll explore the peculiar

Spay and Neuter Your Cocker Spaniels: 5 Common Myths


Whether you’re considering bringing home or have already brought home an American Cocker Spaniel into your family, we know how you are so eager to discover ways on how to give them the life that they deserve. This includes a good physical, mental, and emotional life. One of the first things to consider as a

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