Category: Cocker Spaniel Puppy

Best Dog Car Seat for Cocker Spaniel: In-depth Guide


Are you searching for the best dog car seat for Cocker Spaniel? Whether you are going to the store or planning to drive somewhere far for a vacation, you must ensure your dog is secure and comfortable on each journey. With options for smaller and bigger breeds, car seats for dogs offer your furry friend

When Is a Cocker Spaniel Fully Grown (Detailed Answer)?


If you’re planning to get a cocker spaniel, you might wonder when is a cocker spaniel fully grown. Well, there is no exact answer to that question as every Cocker Spaniel will develop at its own pace. However, on average most Cocker Spaniels reach their fully grown stage at the age of  9 -12 months.

How to Train a Cocker Spaniel to Hunt


From this article you are about to learn how to train a Cocker Spaniel to hunt. Your life has never been the same since your Cocker Spaniel joined the family. You are already wondering what life was like without him. He has outperformed all expectations. Cocker Spaniels are the most active, playful, friendly dog breed

Cocker Spaniel Pros and Cons: Know the Details


For most people thinking of having a pet like a cocker spaniel, the first thing to consider is the cocker spaniel pros and cons. Nobody wants to venture into something without looking at the positives and negatives. Therefore, it is normal if you want to look at the pros and cons of the Cocker Spaniel.

The Ultimate Guide to Cocker Spaniel Hip Dysplasia Treatment


Has your Cocker Spaniel been diagnosed with hip dysplasia? You are not alone. This is a common concern with most dog owners. It can happen to dogs of any size or age. But the funny aspect of hip dysplasia is that many affected dogs, especially young dogs, do not show clinical symptoms of this condition

How to Breed Cocker Spaniels


It is necessary to know how to breed cocker spaniels even without professional knowledge. Breeding cocker spaniels go beyond mating two fertile dogs. As an amateur, you must have in-depth knowledge of this dog breed. Consider the health status of the bitch and the sire. If your dogs have health issues, their progenies will be unhealthy. Taking

Miniature Cocker Spaniel Breed Facts and Information


These Cocker Spaniel dogs are very joyful dog breeds and are constantly anxious to learn and impress their owners, making them easy to train. Their silky coverings come in a variety of colors, including black, white, tan, brown, or a combination of these. The miniature cocker spaniel is the tiniest sporting dog breed recognized by

How to Rehydrate A Cocker Spaniel Dog?


Dogs have a different way of regulating their temperature. Unlike us humans, they lower their body temperature not by sweating, but by panting. There are several factors why dogs pant. It could be that they are tired, feel hot, or dehydrated. It's important to rehydrate your Cocker Spaniel dog when it is dehydrated.  Here we

How to Stop Fleas on Cocker Spaniel Dogs?


Fleas are nasty creatures that you will never want to have on your Cocker Spaniel. Fleas can be a nightmare to deal with, especially if your dog is a Cocker Spaniel. If you leave the problem untreated, it can lead to serious health complications for your Cocker Spaniel. These pesky bugs not only suck on

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