Category: Behavior

Why is My Dog Walking in Circles all of a Sudden: Be Aware!


Is your dog walking in circles? Is it frequent or just occasional? Dogs exhibit some peculiar habits that might get you worried at times. They may wander, chew grass, roll in the dirt, sniff other dogs, or do all the above. What causes these dogs to circle repeatedly? Nothing is sometimes wrong, as their actions

How to Stop a Dog from Eating Poop?


You may know that some dogs develop a nasty habit of coprophagia, and dog owners are tired of asking - ‘how to stop a dog from eating poop’. This behavior can be quite concerning for pet owners, not only because it is unpleasant but also because it can lead to health issues for both the

Tips For A Successful Cocker Spaniel Obedience Training


Obedience Training is simply teaching your dogs to obey a couple of well-rehearsed commands. A well-behaved Cocker Spaniel will thrive when it knows how to behave within its boundaries. You can decide to hire a trainer, send your dog to a training school, or teach your dog by yourself. Whichever way you choose, the result

Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel [Facts & Differences]


Comparing Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel could be difficult for someone who hasn’t been around these breeds. Springer Spaniel and Cocker Spaniel are both popular breeds of spaniels. They are popularly known as the kind breed and are often noticeable for their looks. With their floppy ears and big eyes, their whole appearance turns into

Are Cocker Spaniels Smart Dogs [Expert Opinion]


When it comes to dog breeds, Cocker Spaniels are often seen as one of the smartest. But are Cocker Spaniels smart dogs, or is it hype? Let's discover the expert opinion on the intelligence of Cocker Spaniels. Anyone who has owned a cocker spaniel knows how much love and joy they bring. These loving, loyal,

Cocker Spaniel vs. King Charles Spaniel [Expert Comparison]


For those in the dog-loving community, we are no strangers to the beautiful and unique breeds of spaniels. With so many varieties, knowing which is best for you and your family can be hard. Cocker Spaniels and King Charles Spaniels have long been among the most popular breeds, but what makes them different? In this

10 Best Chew Toys for Puppies: Cocker Spaniel Toys


You may find it challenging to choose the best chew toys for cocker spaniel puppies nowadays. Yes, your puppies will chew on everything they can get their mouths on, from your fingers to the couch. Sometimes it's because they're mindless, but often it's because their gums hurt. Chewing toys can stop your puppy from eating

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