Category: Cocker Spaniel Puppy

Dogs 101: How to Stop Cocker Spaniels Digging


When you become a fur parent, there are a lot of things you should learn including how to stop cocker spaniels digging. They might be creating a topsy-turvy mess in your garden, leaving holes and big piles of dirt on your lawn. While it’s a natural instinct for your cocker, there are techniques to make

Treating Cocker Spaniel Ear Infection the Right Way


Cocker spaniel ear infection is a significant concern for any fur parent worrying about their pooch’s health. Since this breed’s ears are long, floppy, and hang low to the ground, they tend to build up moisture, which fosters yeast growth. Ear infections thrive in the dark and moist ear canal, making it the breeding ground

All About Cocker Spaniel Pregnancy


Do you know what to look out for when checking cocker spaniel pregnancy signs? There are tell-tale indications that your dog is pregnant such as changes in appetite, weight, and behavior. Some physical changes can also be observed. This guide will aid you in determining whether your pooch is expecting. Cocker spaniel pregnancy signs Identifying

Cocker Spaniel Hunting Dog for the Adventurous Spirit


The Cocker Spaniel hunting dog is highly admired in olden times because of their capability to locate and flush birds, especially in dense areas. In recent years, they still make up the hunting lineup, offering variety with their vibrant coat colors and persistent attitude. This passionate breed is agile and efficient, making them effective hunting

How to Trim A Cocker Spaniel at Home?


Trimming is an essential element of grooming your Cocker Spaniel. Regular trimming not only ensures that your pet looks good, clean, and hygienic, but it is also vital for his/her health. The long curls of your beloved pet can easily tangle and lead to infections and injuries. If you are not a professional groomer and

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