Why do Cocker Spaniels whine so much? Does your dog emit a long, drawn-out whine or several short whines? Most Cocker spaniel dogs will whine and bark at some point throughout their lifetime; whether they’re whining because of something good (like food), something bad (like not getting fed on time), or for no clear reason at all (which is the most common). Cocker Spaniel whining is a normal and common thing. Regardless of why your Cocker Spaniel might be acting like such a big whiner, there’s more to his grunts and howls than you realize.

After spending several years listening to my own dogs’ constant whining, I decided to find an answer to this vexing question: Why do Cocker spaniels whine so much? I’ve found many interesting answers while researching these questions that I thought I’d share with you here.

1. Trying to Get A Notice

When you are ignoring your dog, he may whine, bark, or claw at you to get your attention. You may want to try giving him a treat or throwing the ball for him to focus his attention on something else. Attention-seeking whining in Spaniels is a continuous challenge that must be addressed consistently. If your dog needs attention and you’re unwilling to bestow it, they may whine to get what they want. However, if you take an interest in your dog and treat them as equal members of the household, your dog will feel less jealousy and possessiveness towards the people around them.

2. Excitement is communicated

Whenever your dog becomes psyched, whimpering could be a technique for it to release energy, along with leaping vertically and horizontally and racing about. It’s possible that Cocker Spaniel whining is motivated by a desire for attention but in most cases is about expressing happiness. By understanding the underlying cause of a dog’s whining, you can develop strategies to help stop the behavior.

3. Might Be In Pain

Cocker spaniel Might Be In Pain

Cocker Spaniel Whining might indicate that your canine is suffering from some sort of bodily ailment. If charlie whines each moment he attempts to climb the staircase or bounce on the sofa, he might be suffering from arthritis-related joint pain. Cocker Spaniels are prone to whining, without cause or specific trigger, leading to an early demise for the breed. All dogs will whine, and it can be hard to tell why, but the best thing to do is to consult a veterinarian.

4. Showing Boredom

If your Cocker Spaniel is whining, try to determine why. Is he bored? Bored animals can be destructive, especially puppies. If you give your dog an outlet for his energy like a dog park or a game of fetch, he will be less likely to find ways to entertain himself that include chewing on furniture or eating your favorite teddy bear.

5. Stress Signs

While Cocker Spaniel Whining is a very common behavior, it can be difficult to understand why Cocker spaniel dogs do it. We found that it usually stems from anxiety or fear and is often accompanied by appeasement gestures such as yawning, lip licking, and averting your eyes. Also, we found that if you pay more attention to the context of the situation and behavior rather than just its tone of voice, you can determine what’s bothering your dog and find a way to resolve the issue.

6. He’s expressing himself; He Apologizes

Canine behaviorist Dr. Ian Dunbar believes that Cocker spaniel dogs whine because they are attempting to communicate with us. He notes that dogs that whine frequently tend to be submissive types, easily intimidated by the people around them, and anxious to please. Cocker Spaniel dogs will finger-walk between their owner’s ankles and drool, squeak and pant in excitement. The dog is not only saying that he wants to play, but he is also saying: “I’m sorry and I know you can’t resist me.”

7. He requires/desires something

Cocker Spaniel requires/desires something

When your Cocker spaniel dog wants you to do something like go on a walk or feed him, he will whine. The best way to deal with this behavior is to teach him that whining does not work and then ignore the whining whenever possible (and possible). Cocker spaniels tend to whine whenever they see a cat. This breed originated from Spain, where it was used to hunt by chasing down and cornering small fish though! The whining of the dog with a high-pitched voice is defined as an abnormal dog. It is always present when they are looking for something or looking for superordinate.

How to Get Rid of Whining

  • The good news is that dogs are capable of being trained. The better news is that dogs can be trained to stop whining through positive reinforcement, including rewarding behaviors you do like with treats or affection.
  • Listen to your dog’s whining and other vocalizations carefully. Essentially, dogs can use their vocal sounds for much more than simple communication. Your pups may be able to use those sounds as well as facial expressions to pick up on your mood and respond accordingly.
  • Giving your pups whatever they want is not suggested in certain situations. For example, to teach your puppies not to eliminate inside the house for them to have an easier transition to the outside, it’s advised not to reward complaining behavior by taking your puppy outside.


For the most part, these misbehaving hounds from Cocker spaniel do not want to upset us (or even annoy us for that matter). They are simply expressing their natural tendencies. The good news is that by managing their environment, providing training like obedience training and exercise opportunities to help satisfy their needs, and understanding just what exactly it is that makes our Cocker Spaniel dogs whine, we can go a long way toward reducing this behavior.