I have created a unique bond with my dog, but my dog wants constant attention. I think it’s quite common for dog owners, both for new and old ones. Initially, it make me happy  it but at times I feel annoyed and this feeling is also very common in dog owners as I have seen a few.

If you own an attention-seeking dog, you know how hard it is to cope with this behavior of a dog. Dog constantly wants attention, which will take away your time to relax. It’s important to understand the signs, reasons, and strategies to stop your dogs from demanding extra attention!

What is attention-seeking dog behaviour?

While pet parents often complain that – ‘my dog wants constant attention’, new pet owners must understand this behavior. An early understanding of the signs a dog wants attention very often will save you from your life turning into hell. If you notice your dog engaging in different activities and behaviors to capture your attention continually, then be attentive as soon as possible. Dogs are social animals who like to socialize and stay around people; nevertheless, some may exhibit more aggressive actions in an effort to attract attention more frequently than others.

How This Behavior Can Impact the Owner

Why won’t my dog leave me alone? When a dog demands continuous attention, it can considerably impact the owner’s everyday life. Suppose you work remotely for a full-time job, you get limited personal leisure. A high-maintenance dog will disrupt your social life. You may also experience stress or feel overwhelmed due to the constant demand for attention. I have also discovered that my dog wants constant attention, which leads me to affect my mental health. Besides, it may also strain relationships or generate guilt if the owner cannot meet the dog’s constant requirements.

Why Dog Seeks For Attention?

There can be many different reasons behind this common question – my dog wants constant attention. Dogs, by birth, develop attention-seeking behaviors, even if you provide them with all of their needs. Sometimes, dogs may feel bored because they hold too much energy. When they are not properly exercised or tired enough at the end of the day, they may nag you for attention.

Signs your dog feels neglected and becomes an attention seeker

Signs Your Dog Becoming Attention-Seeker

Before complaining that my dog wants constant attention, you should be aware of the attention-seeking signs. If you notice your dog exhibiting signs of anxiety, or you see them not drop off after giving them affection, attention, or play. Anxiety in cannines may look different in every dog, but the most common signs are:

1. Chewing

Chewing is an inevitable part of raising a pup. It’s a sign of teething and a natural urge that dog can not stop doing because it satisfies them. When you see your dog chewing on things like your shoes or household objects, it could be a sign of anxiety or boredom.

2. Increased Barking

Although there can be thousands of reasons for dogs to bark, when I notice my dog wants constant attention, it starts to bark unnecessarily. The dog generally alerts you by barking of danger, sometimes for a passerby or after acknowledging a person or dog.

But if your dog is barking at you, and it persists more than usual, it could be their way of asking for more attention.

If you notice your puppy suddenly barking excessively, this can be irritating. Especially if you are a busy mom with a full-time job. While it might irritate you, keeping patience and not raising your voice in response to your dog would be the perfect way to handle the situation. So how to get a dog to stop barking for attention? We will cover that in the later part of the blog. 

3. Pawing & Nudging

My dog’s constant attention issues can also start with continuous pawing and nudging. You may notice your dog nudging its nose with its owner. These behaviors are a way of a dog asking you to play with it or somehow initiate an interaction with it. It’s important to note that this could also be a sign of anxiety and that they’re looking to you for comfort. If you notice your dog is in good health and shape but still nudging and pawing continuously, it is surely a sign of him asking for more attention.

4. Whining, Crying, & Howling

One of the common signs of a dog becoming attention-seeking is starting to whine, cry, and howl, which are the most common ways your dog will verbally express that they need something. That’s why it can be a common response from your dog when they want to go potty or when their toy gets stuck under furniture.

5. Nipping or Play-Bitting

Signs Your Dog Becoming Attention-Seeker: Nipping or Play-Bitting

Nipping and biting are natural play instincts for dogs, and our parents’ job is to help them direct that biting behavior toward toys and chews. I experienced my dog wants constant attention, and after some time, it would turn into a land shark in an instant.

6. Changes in Body Language

This sign is tricky because many things can also cause your dog’s body language to change. But if you notice your dog rolling on their back, they invite you to rub their belly or play wrestle. It could simply mean they’re looking for interaction.

However, when my dog wants constant attention and shows these signs, I watch them closely to ensure nothing is wrong.

7. Potty Accidents

Even though your dog has been properly potty trained, during the phase of my dog wants constant attention they have peed here and there across the house.

However, some dogs can learn to pee in the house to get your attention. Think about it. Your dog pees on your favorite rug.

If your dog is already potty trained and then starts to regress suddenly, it can be a sign your dog needs more attention.

My Dog Wants Constant Attention: How much attention do dogs need?

So how much attention does a dog need? As a general guideline, it is advised that a dog should get a minimum of two hours of dedicated social time with humans or other dogs on a daily basis. Being an owner, you can divide this time into chunks over the day.

Having a puppy in your home is a very exciting thing! But those irresistible fluffies can turn your life upside down. Taking care of an 8-week-old puppy is just as hard as it is to take care of a human baby. Puppies play, sleep most of the time, explore, and chew all throughout the day, which is why they should always be supervised.

Consider Breed and characteristics

Signs Your Dog Becoming Attention-Seeker: Consider Breed and characteristics

Each dog has individual differences, but the characteristics of different breeds can vary. If you are suffering from a problem similar to mine like why my dog wants constant attention, be very careful about your dog’s breed. Among many of the breeds, Labradors or Maltese are often friendly family dogs, while Kelpies will need more stimulation and training time.

My dog wants constant attention: How long can my dog be alone?

This will differ between individual dogs and dog breeds. Some dogs start to feel anxious after only two minutes without their owners; other dogs can quite happily be alone for 5 hours without chewing on shoes or messing up the house. However, bear in mind that most dogs are not happy to be alone at all. Dogs want to please and aren’t quick to complain, so even if a dog seems happy alone, they may still feel miserable and eventually become depressed and lonely.

My Dog Wants Constant Attention: How Do I Balance a full-time job and a dog?

Having enough time for a dog may seem impossible when you work full-time. Nevertheless, it is still possible in many situations. If you are working from home, then pet parenting is rather easy. Additionally, pets at work can balance social connections and increase productivity by reducing stress. However, not every work environment is suitable for dogs. Plus, not all employers and colleagues are as fond of dogs as others. Regardless, have a chat with your employer and colleagues about your plans. This will help you plan and discuss the support you will have in your new life as a dog parent.

My Dog Wants Constant Attention: How Do I Deal With It?

You must ignore the unwanted behavior to reduce or eliminate demand or attention-seeking barking. Rewarding your pet, establishing consistent and clear expectations, and strategically avoiding your dog can efficiently deal with your dog seeking your attention.

My Dog Wants Constant Attention: Strategies to Manage Such Behavior

While struggle hits you hard regarding a dog wanting constant attention, only strategies can help you. The following are the best ways to manage your attention-seeking puppy.

Reward Alternative Behavior

Signs Your Dog Becoming Attention-Seeker: Reward Alternative Behavior

One of many ways that work for me when my dog wants constant attention is teaching them an alternative behavior. It all starts with teaching your dogs the alternative behaviors. Normally, dogs wouldn’t be asking for your attention if they didn’t want or need something in the first place. So, teach them a more effective way to get what they want.

Ignore Bad Behavior

Another strategy I have applied when my dog wants constant attention is ignoring their bad behaviors. While teaching your dog alternative ways to communicate their needs, you should not reinforce the problem behavior. This means you have to ignore all your dog’s attempts to grab your attention. But even in this, you have to be fair.

As per the advice of the dog specialists, a dog owner must first ensure that his/her dog is daily meeting their needs and that the dog is not suffering from pain or sickness. If my dog wants constant attention, I start by ignoring the attention-seeking behavior first, but I do it for short periods.

Many owners make a mistake by trying to do all or nothing, which can affect them negatively in managing dogs’ constant attention-seeking behavior.

Negative effects can show exaggerated attention-seeking and sometimes outright aggression also. So, better to start by ignoring them for short periods and later increase the time.

Manage Your Dog’s Behavior

When I see my dog wants constant attention, I find this strategy very helpful. Although it can be tricky to ignore problematic behaviors, and teaching alternative behaviors takes time, managing your dog to minimize their opportunities to practice attention-seeking. You can just give them a food-stuffed chew toy before you get busy with something important. If you keep avoiding your dog’s attention-seeking behavior, you will actually help them up for bigger success.

Provide Your Dog With Enrichment

Provide Your Dog With Enrichment

This is one of the easiest ways to save myself when my dog wants constant attention from me. When your dog gets what it needs, they will have far less reason to seek your attention. Establish a routine so they will get used to the timing of playtime, walks, meals, and so on. And make sure you remove frustrations and provide them the enrichment they need. You can assign your dog a job, like making them search for their dinner.

How to prevent dogs attention-seeking behaviour

My dog wants constant attention from me, how do I manage this behavior? There is no better way than taking preventive measures.

Physical & Mental Stimulation

How to stop dog from barking for attention? Dogs can become anxious and desire more attention if their physical and mental needs aren’t properly met. Dogs have a lot of energy, and so require lots of playtimes and mental stimulation to work that energy out of their system. Besides, when I saw my dog wanted constant attention, ensured that they got lots of outside playtime.

In case you are looking for exercise ideas to spend time with your dog; here is a detailed guide on Dog Puppy Exercise.

Spend Quality Times

To prevent situations like my dog wants constant attention, what do I do now, it’s important to provide routine times to your dog. Although it’s impossible to stay home always to give your dog all the attention.  But, what we can do is make those free times work. When you’ve free time at home, interact with your dog, whether playing fetch with them or simply snuggling them while watching TV.  Those little moments can mean a lot to them and can make them feel much more secure.

Be Careful With Changes at Home

To prevent situations like my dog wants constant attention, it’s important to act carefully. Dogs have a tendency to feel uncomfortable when big changes happen around them. Environmental changes can cause anxiety and lead them to attention-seeking behaviors.  If you are planning to move to a new house, with a new pet adopted, or have made some other big changes in your life and house, try to provide your dog with extra love, affection, and playtime.

Ensure a Safe and Quiet Retreat at Home

Ensure a Safe and Quiet Retreat at Home

Canines suffering from anxiety will often hide in a place as their biological instinct that makes them feel safe. In such a situation, you can make sure that there’s at least one very accessible space in your home in which they can hide, whether that be a closet they can access with lots of comfortable blankets where they can retreat when they feel hectic.

It’s impossible to read our dog’s mind, but you can help them manage their anxiety

Your dog may just miss you while you’re at work. Your dog may also experience a genuine anxiety disorder. So many little things can impact your dog’s mental and physical state.  Most dogs suffer from anxiety from time to time. Whether my dog wants constant attention due to a thunderstorm or a new pet in my house. As pet owners, it’s up to us to accommodate them by prioritizing their emotional well-being and giving them all the love and attention they most certainly deserve.

Want To Buy a Puppy?

If you are planning to buy a new puppy and you don’t want to complain about why my dog wants constant attention, then you must choose your puppy wisely. Before you buy a puppy learn about its breed and nature first. Owning puppies from attention-seeking dog breeds can make your life very troubling. If you want to have a new pet, avoid getting any from the following breeds –

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Need More Attention

Below is a list of 10 attention seeking dogs.

  • Huskies
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • German Shorthaired Pointer
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • German shepherd
  • Golden retriever
  • Rottweiler
  • Akita
  • English Springer Spaniel
  • Labrador Retriever

Best 6 Dog Breeds That Do Not Need Extra Attention

If you are always busy and still want a pet with moderate to lower energy levels that are low maintenance and do not require extra attention then the following are the best dog breeds.

  • French Bulldog
  • Greyhound
  • Dachshund
  • Mastiff
  • Broholmer
  • Pomeranian


Years ago, I also wondered why my dog wants constant attention. But gradually, I understood all the problems around it. Even if you are suffering like me, you should start by acknowledging your pet’s unique needs. Because only you can help your dogs develop healthy behaviors through proper training, mental stimulation, and boundaries. Ensure that your canine companion gets ample daily exercise and playtime. Aside from that, scheduled rest/nap times are essential. When dealing with your pet’s attention-seeking behaviors, maintain patience and consistency.


1. What does it mean when your dog won’t leave you alone?

A possible reason for your dog not leaving you alone could be separation anxiety. Dogs may go through some general anxiety which results in them being very clingy. Due to this, your dog may not leave you alone and it will follow you around constantly.

2. Why is my dog so needy for attention?

Owners often wonder why my dog wants constant attention. The answer can be your dog is not getting properly exercised or mentally stimulated. Another reason for your dogs seeking attention could be their previous trauma and negligence.

3. Do dogs need attention all the time?

As per the researchers and specialists, dogs need about two to four hours of our attention each day. This attention can be in any form. As dogs are pack animals, they must require attention and company.

4. Can your dog be too attached to you?

Yes, dogs can become too attached to you. It’s different than just having a strong bond between a dog and its owner. While a great bond is healthy and desirable, excessive attachment, on the other hand, can lead to separation anxiety, over-dependence, and behavioral problems.

5. How do I stop my dog from demanding attention?

If your dog wants excessive attention from you, you should take immediate action. The best way to do this is to start teaching your dog commands, keeping your dog engaged in activities, creating a schedule to provide attention to your dog, etc.