Are you having trouble with your Cocker Spaniel dog’s barking? This is a common problem most Cocker Spaniel dog owners face. You are not alone in this category; Cocker Spaniel dogs are famous for their notorious barking, and it is their nature. These dogs are high on energy and eventually will get excited about everything. As a Cocker Spaniel dog owner, you should learn to stop your Cocker Spaniel’s notorious barking.

These Cocker Spaniel dogs will bark at anything and everything. Did someone ring the doorbell? Bark. Lunchtime? Bark. The mailman at the gate? Bark.

Sometimes you might think, why are you not going insane? But, you need to realize one thing. This excessive barking for a Cocker Spaniel dog is normal, and unfortunately, not for us. Right?

So, today will discuss a few methods related to train Cocker Spaniel not to bark excessively.

Methods that You Can Try

There are several methods to stop the excessive barking of your Cocker Spaniel. In this section, we will talk about them one by one. Sometimes you might have to try two or three methods to reach your ultimate goal. It entirely depends on your dog’s behavior. So, if the first method does not work, do not give up. Try another method. Eventually, your Cocker Spaniel will stop the barking.

Give Him Some Treats

This is a simple and easy way to stop barking. When your dog starts to bark, command him to stop. Then teach the dog to bark again. Follow the process two or three times. After that, when the dog starts to bark, give him a treat; this simple yet effective exercise will teach your dog the difference between the commands you give him to bark and not to bark. Always remember, the success of this method depends on execution.

Give Him Some Treats

There is an alternative way you can try this out. First, put your dog inside his crate. It is often required to crate train your Cocker Spaniels due to their energetic nature. Usually, Cocker Spaniel dogs will start nonstop barking. When that happens, turn your back to the dog. Keep ignoring the dog until he stops barking. After some time, the dog will stop barking. Then turn around and give him the treat. You need to follow these steps for some time. But, slowly, the Cocker Spaniel will catch on to how the treats work. So, with time, your dog will stay quiet to get a treat from you.

Take the Dog Out for Long Walk

As mentioned earlier, Cocker Spaniel dogs are full of energy and excitement all the time. To burn off this energy, take him for a walk. Stop for a few minutes and walk him again; this is an excellent method that you can execute without much trouble. But, you should follow this process daily. Or you can always make him run around your home. Anyway, burning up the excess energy will keep him quiet for some time.

Buy Some Puzzles and Interactive Toys

Naturally, Cocker Spaniel dogs are smart, and they will get bored quickly. So, providing your Cocker Spaniel dog with some toys and puzzles might keep him mentally entertained. This method will stop the barking to some degree.

Eliminate the Territory Barking

When your dog sees someone inside or close to your fence, he will start barking; this is called territory barking. It is a fair and firm warning from the dog saying this area is ours. So, to avoid this situation, you can construct a taller fence. If you are willing to go the extra mile, you can cover all your windows; Eliminating the territory barking is one of the best things you can do to stop the barking of your Cocker Spaniel dog.

Eliminate the Territory Barking

The above four methods are the answers for how to train Cocker Spaniels not to bark questions. All of these methods will work effectively; Given that use execute it correctly. Also, be patient too; Because it will take some time.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

How do I calm my hyper Cocker Spaniel?

The first thing you need to do is, be nice to the dog. Gently scold the dog for good behavior. If it does not work, command the dog to stop and put him inside the crate for some time.

Is there a specific age that my Cocker Spaniel dog starts to bark?

Yes. The dog will start to bark at three or four months. After that, it is a little hard to stop the barking; Unless you trained him correctly.

Why is my neighbor’s Cocker Spaniel dog won’t shut up?

Usually, Cocker Spaniel dogs are energetic and get excited quickly. So, nuisance barking is in their nature. Your neighbor might have to train the dog to stop barking.

Wrap Up

To sum up, we hope that now you have a better idea about how to train a Cocker Spaniel not to bark. Using the above methods, you can get good results. If the first method does not work, try another; You should keep trying no matter what; because you might give up. But, your Cocker Spaniel dog will not give up until you go completely insane.