Category: Dog Health

Can My Cocker Spaniel Catch and Spread Coronavirus?


Are you looking for an answer to the question can Cocker Spaniels get or spread COVID-19? If that is the case, this post might help you immensely. During this pandemic, many dog owners are hugely concerned about their pets. They have all the reasons to be concerned. They must take care of their pets more

My Dog Wants Constant Attention [Ways to Manage]


I have created a unique bond with my dog, but my dog wants constant attention. I think it’s quite common for dog owners, both for new and old ones. Initially, it make me happy  it but at times I feel annoyed and this feeling is also very common in dog owners as I have seen

Should I Cut My Cocker Spaniels Eyelashes?


Does your Cocker Spaniel have overgrown eyelashes and you are asking yourself, should I cut my cocker spaniels eyelashes? Well, the answer is “YES!” Although dogs that have long eyelashes appear beautiful, are they safe? Recently, a Cocker Spaniel's lengthy eyelashes went viral on social networks. Long eyelashes may, however, occasionally endanger a dog's eyes,

Cocker Spaniel vs Miniature Schnauzer– Expert Comparison


Today we will write a comprehensive Cocker Spaniel vs Miniature Schnauzer guide for you. After reading this article, you will understand the pros and cons of each dog breed. After describing their origins and physical characteristics, we will demonstrate how these dogs differ. Therefore, we encourage you to read our Cocker Spaniel vs Miniature Schnauzer content until the end.

Why is My Dog Walking in Circles all of a Sudden: Be Aware!


Is your dog walking in circles? Is it frequent or just occasional? Dogs exhibit some peculiar habits that might get you worried at times. They may wander, chew grass, roll in the dirt, sniff other dogs, or do all the above. What causes these dogs to circle repeatedly? Nothing is sometimes wrong, as their actions

Dog Food Allergy Symptoms: The Definite Guide


Identifying dog food allergy symptoms can be trickier than you think. First, food allergies and other allergy types can occur together. Then, food allergy symptoms can be far from what you would expect. For instance, many pet owners assume that dogs with food allergies should have gastrointestinal issues. In reality, your dog may not develop an upset

Food Intolerance in Dogs: The Complete Guide


Food intolerance in dogs is a common issue but unfortunately, many pet owners are not sure how to deal with it. We are used to hearing about the link between diet and overall well-being and health. Unlike humans, dogs cannot speak up and visit a medical professional when they feel unwell. Dogs rely on humans

Brittany Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel: True Comparison from Expert


Do you need help choosing a Brittany Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel? How do you compare these two unique dogs? Well, there are certain ways in which these two dogs are comparable. Despite their similarities, they are distinct from each other. Interestingly, Brittany and the Cocker Spaniel belong to the sporting group. You need to read

Senior Dog Not Eating But Drinking Water [Cause & Guide]


If you notice your senior dog not eating but drinking water for a long time, you must be worried & thinking, what to do now? The concern is very common in owners with senior dogs. With aging, your furry friend often develops age-related health issues that affect their appetite and overall well-being. This can be

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