Category: General Health

Benefits of CBD Oil for Cocker Spaniel Dogs


Cocker spaniels make lovely pets simply because they are incredibly affectionate, adaptable, and easy to train. You can take them outside for a vigorous exercise, or you can just chill on the couch and they’ll be snuggling up to you sweetly. Cocker spaniels breed is a great breed of dogs for family, so imagine if one

5 Best Automatic Feeders for Cocker Spaniel


Some breeds of dogs, such as Cocker Spaniels behave much better when they’re set on a routine. This is one reason why it is recommended that they be put through professional dog training. As the food is natural greed for this breed, it is essential to feed them at the same time every day and

Do Cocker Spaniels Smell? 5 Reasons Why Your Dog Smells Bad


Why do cocker spaniels smell? How can such sweet little fur babies manage to stink? Doggie odor is a common complaint that veterinarians and groomers get from dog owners. While not all dogs have a bad smell, some breeds have been known to smell known, such as Basset Hounds, Cocker Spaniels, and Labrador Retrievers. Fortunately,

Dental Guide: American Cocker Spaniel Puppy’s Teeth Care


Cocker Spaniels are devoted adorable creatures that make for wonderful house pets. As pet parents, we want to make sure we are doing the best we can to keep them healthy, safe, and well-loved. The dental health of our dogs is one of the most important aspects we should get concerned with. More often than

Cherry Eye in American Cocker Spaniel Puppies and Dogs


American Cocker Spaniels are playful yet intelligent furry creatures. If you’re looking for a family dog to bring to your home, American Cocker Spaniels are just the amazing choice. They are good with children, lively, and very gentle. If you’re just looking for a dog to bring home, you might be concerned with their behavior,

Asian Strain of Canine Distemper: Is it alarming?

2024-09-19T09:17:19+00:00Tags: |

It’s suspected that ashipment of animals that a Canadian animal welfare organization rescued from a South Korean meat market last fall (in October 2018) brought the Asian strain of Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) into Canada. One of the dogs in the shipment developed a cough and appeared lethargic two weeks after its arrival, and within ten days the dog had developed muscle twitches and seizures, and ultimately

Tips for Running With Your Dog

2024-09-19T08:43:56+00:00Tags: |

There’s no better bonding activity than running with your dog. Running with dog makes you happy and healthy. But don’t start when your pet’s too young! Hard surfaces can damage joints; bones have not yet fully formed. Wait until areas of bone growth have begun to close and harden, which varies by breed. Young or

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