Cocker Spaniels are devoted adorable creatures that make for wonderful house pets. As pet parents, we want to make sure we are doing the best we can to keep them healthy, safe, and well-loved. The dental health of our dogs is one of the most important aspects we should get concerned with. More often than not, it’s also one of the things that we overlook.

You must be worried about your Cocker Spaniel’s health. You can choose insurance available in the market to reduce the risk for Cocker Spaniel’s health. You should learn some important things before choosing pet insurance for Cocker Spaniel.  Here are some Cocker Spaniel’s teeth care tips so that you can maintain dental health.

Cocker Spaniel’s teeth care tips to maintain dental health

1. Brush their teeth

Yes, toothbrushing is something dogs also need to do regularly. Although they may need most of our help to do it for them. Unlike humans, dogs don’t require toothbrushing three times a day. Brushing their teeth at least twice to thrice a week will keep their teeth clean and help maintain their teeth looking sparkly white and healthy.

When brushing your Cocker Spaniel’s teeth, make sure to use a special toothbrush made especially for dogs. These come in different types – finger brush, long handle brushes, etc. Make sure to choose one that you’re most comfortable using. Furthermore, choose a non-toxic, mild toothpaste that’s proven safe for dogs.

maintain dental health of these five puppies

2. Give your Cocker Spaniels dental chews or chew bones

Dogs, especially when they are younger, tend to chew on almost anything they see. Although they have a relatively stronger set of teeth compared to humans, it’s still not a good idea to have them chewing on random items at home. Make sure you have a chew bone or chew toy lying around if your Cocker Spaniel is an avid chewer.

Dental chews as treats are also great for your dog’s dental health. Most of them are designed to help strengthen your dog’s teeth and gums. Furthermore, they also help clean your dog’s pearly whites as your dog chews on them. A bonus is they could also freshen your dog’s breath!

However, note that dental chews or chew bones are not a substitute or replacement for brushing your Cocker Spaniel’s teeth.

3. Give your Cocker Spaniel puppy nutritious food

Our teeth are a lot similar to a dog’s teeth. They are strengthened by calcium and other essential minerals. Thus, we need to make sure our dog is getting enough of these nutrients in their food. Give them the right type and amount of dog food depending on their age. A combination of raw foods i.e. uncooked meat, bones vegetables, fruits, and raw eggs are good for dog health. If you’re unsure which is best for your Cocker Spaniel, you may consult your dog’s veterinarian to help guide you. Furthermore, there are also food supplements you can give your Cocker Spaniel to help with their dental health.

a cocker spaniel is sitting on the bench after teeth care

4. Bring your dog to the veterinarian

Dogs’ teeth are quite strong. An adult Cocker Spaniel would have about 42 teeth. However, poor oral hygiene, lack of nutrition, and trauma may all contribute to teeth problems. Are you spotting some rotten or loose teeth on your Cocker Spaniel? Don’t experiment on your dog to find a cure. Bring your dog to the vet immediately.

Here are some signs and symptoms that may warrant your dog a visit to the vet: broken teeth, rotten teeth, bad breath or halitosis, increased salivation, plaque build-up, swollen or bleeding gums, abnormal bumps inside the mouth.

If you see anything in your dog’s mouth that’s out of the ordinary, you can always call on your vet to have it checked out. Never attempt to fix any broken teeth or pull out loose teeth on your own.

Last few talks on dental health

Our furry friends highly depend on us when it comes to dental care and health. Taking care of our Spaniel’s dental health shouldn’t be too difficult. With a routine and faithful dedication to our dogs, we can help keep them remain as healthy as possible. Pet insurance for your dog can reduce health risks.