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So far Kailynn N has created 157 blog entries.

How Many Puppies Can a Cocker Spaniel Have


Many dog breeds have been growing in popularity these days around the globe. However, one of the most lovable ones is the Cocker Spaniel. It is known in two different names, one of which is the English Cocker Spaniel and the second one is the American Cocker Spaniel. Although they are considered as two different

Cocker Spaniel Life Stages: All You Need to Know


The Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular dog breeds because of their sheer intelligence, obedience, and level of cuteness, aside from the fact that they make great house pets. And because of this, many people are asking and are left curious as to what the Cocker Spaniel life stages are. Well, this depends

10 Ways to Make Your Old Cocker Spaniel Happy


A Cocker Spaniel is a mild-mannered, fun-loving dog with a pleasant personality. It makes a great companion for single people and those with families. A Cocker Spaniel dog tends to be very energetic and active when young. It can be a good working dog. A Cocker Spaniel is also very obedient and devoted to its

Cocker Spaniel Walking Outfit Guide for Owner


Most dog owners do not care about their dress code when going out for a walk with their dogs. Some do not mind wearing their sleepwear and any pair of shoes. A Cocker Spaniel is a cute animal and you are lovely too. Even if you do not overdo fashion, make sure you are decent

Things to do when Cocker Spaniel Doesn’t Like Leash Attached


Cocker Spaniel is a very friendly dog. They are friendly, intelligent, and have endless energy. However, sometimes a Cocker Spaniel doesn’t like leash as it makes them uncomfortable or due to past experience. Sometimes the Spaniel is wearing a leash for the first time makes it difficult for them as well.Generally, a dog loves adventure.

Cocker Spaniel Whining Reasons


Why do Cocker Spaniels whine so much? Does your dog emit a long, drawn-out whine or several short whines? Most Cocker spaniel dogs will whine and bark at some point throughout their lifetime; whether they're whining because of something good (like food), something bad (like not getting fed on time), or for no clear reason

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