Controlling a cocker spaniel is not an easy task; so, how about a hyper cocker spaniel?

It will be even more difficult. That is why today, we will talk about the web’s most searched topic related to cocker spaniel: how to control a hyper cocker spaniel.

But, remember, with the correct methods and techniques, you can calm even the most hyper cocker spaniel. In this article, we go through those methods that are beneficial towards how to control a hyper cocker spaniel.

What Are Reasons for Hyperactive Nature?

First and foremost, one thing needs to be said; usually, cocker spaniels are a high-energy dog breed; so, they will bark, run and do other activities than the other dog breeds. This behavior is normal for a cocker spaniel, and with proper training, you can control these behaviors. You can easily stop your cocker spaniel barking with these tips.

But, some dogs might show a hyperactive level than the other cocker spaniel dogs. When that happens, you will have a difficult time ahead of you. Because now calming your cocker spaniel dog won’t be easy as usual; There might be a few reasons for this hyperactive level. Here are some reasons that might cause this behavior.

Know Your Dog’s Lineage

Finding out your cocker spaniel’s lineage will give some ideas about hyperactive status. If your dog comes from a working cocker spaniel lineage, it will explain a lot about this behavior; because a working cocker spaniel is much more challenging and learn quickly than the ordinary cocker spaniels. They are hyperactive. So, if you own a dog that comes from a working cocker spaniel lineage, he might show the same hyperactive behaviors just like his ancestors.

Different Male and Female Behaviors

Usually, male cocker spaniel dogs have higher testosterone levels than female dogs; this makes male dogs more active than female dogs. That does not mean the female dogs are not hyperactive; they can be hyper too. So, if you own a male cocker spaniel dog, the dog will be hyperactive most of the time.

Dog Food

Dog Food

Here is another fact you did not know about cocker spaniel dogs. They are sensitive to food allergies; they show gastrointestinal signs and odd behaviors. So, this sudden hyper-status can result from food poisoning; when that happens, make sure to visit a doctor and arrange the necessary treatments.

How to Control Your Hyper Cocker Spaniel?

When we talk about how to control a hyper cocker spaniel, you need to remember one thing. As mentioned in the above section, if your dog comes from a working cocker spaniel lineage, it might be difficult to calm down your dog; but, never impossible.

Daily Exercise

Doing some outdoor activities will reduce the hyperactive level; take your dog for a long walk, or let him play around your backyard. Because cocker spaniels are a hunting dog breed, they like to chase; so, throw a ball or Frisbee far and let the dog fetch the object; this type of exercise will keep him busy and burn away excessive energy.

Make Him Work for His Food

This method is a simple trick that you can do to control your hyper cocker spaniel; first, hide food or treats inside his favorite toys; then wait till he finds the food or treats by himself. This process will make your dog work for his food; so, constant mental and physical activities are guaranteed.

A Proper Diet

As mentioned earlier, the problem might be the diet. Sometimes a bad diet can cause food allergies, or sometimes your dog might not be getting the required nutrition from the current diet. It is wise to have the best diet for your cocker spaniels. But, before changing the diet, remember to contact your vet.

Train Your Cocker Spaniel

This is the easiest way to control your hyper cocker spaniel; teach the dog some simple commands like stop, sit, quiet, or down; after some time, the dog will catch on to your commands.

Teach the Dog Simple Games

Teach the Dog Simple Games

The hyperactive level is a natural thing for most cocker spaniel dogs. Unless the dog is suffering from an illness, so, keeping your hyper cocker spaniel dog mentally and physically active is crucial. Give some toys to the dog; train him to play tug of war with you; cocker spaniel dogs get bored quickly; so, try to keep the dog engaged with extra activities.

Be Gentle It Might Work

When your cocker spaniel starts to act hyper, try scolding him gently while praising him for his good behavior, and tell the dog to calm down; Most of the time, this might work; if it does not work, put him inside of the crate. After some time, the dog will calm down.

Wrap Up

We hope that we’ve covered the important things you need to know to control a hyper cocker spaniel. You can also try some cocker spaniel games and fun activities to make your pup happy. Keeping your hyper cocker spaniel calm is not an impossible task. It might work, and sometimes it might take time depending on your cocker spaniel dog’s personality. But, if you act correctly, you can calm down the cocker spaniel dog.