The Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular dog breeds because of their sheer intelligence, obedience, and level of cuteness, aside from the fact that they make great house pets.

And because of this, many people are asking and are left curious as to what the Cocker Spaniel life stages are. Well, this depends on many factors such as the diet, lifestyle, genetics, and the health conditions they have.

But generally speaking, Cocker Spaniels have a lifespan of about 12 to 14 years, with some living longer.

Specifically speaking, the average lifespan of an English Cocker Spaniel is around 12 to 15 years. Meanwhile, their other variant breed, the American Cocker Spaniel has an average lifespan of about 10 to 14 years.

But then again, it is important to note that these averages are just based on some dogs and this doesn’t mean that your dog is also to have that lifespan. In fact, there are other Cocker Spaniels that have lived beyond 15-years-old.

How long is the average lifespan of a Cocker Spaniel?

The average lifespan of Cocker Spaniels is around 10 to 15 years, but some vary and can reach up to 15-years-old and beyond.

Note, though, that their lifespan depends mostly on how you take care of Cocker Spaniels and how much they should eat. Their dental hygiene and diet are also other big factors that can affect how long they can live.

Based on many research and first-hand reports, English Cocker Spaniels usually live longer compared to their American Cocker Spaniel counterparts.

What are the common health problems of Cocker Spaniels?

In order for you to have a better understanding of the Cocker Spaniel life stages, it is important that we also know their common health problems as this can lead to a shorter lifespan. Bone and joint problems are most common for Cocker Spaniels such as Hip Dysplasia and Panosteitis disorder.

Most of these conditions are common for this specific breed. However, there are also some diseases that are due to their diet, exercise routine, and improper breeding.

What are the common health problems of Cocker Spaniels?

One good thing you can do to avoid these health issues is by bringing them to the veterinarian for a regular checkup.

Also, make sure that they stay away from chemicals as well as places which can pose health hazards on them. Cocker Spaniel also need a pet insurance.

Give them the required vaccines at their respective ages, and maintain a healthy and proper diet for them. And don’t overdo their exercise. A short brisk walk daily for around 20 to 30 minutes a day is enough.

The most common diseases these Cocker Spaniels get are immune system disorders such as immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and immune-mediated thrombocytopenia.

What are the stages of life of a Cocker Spaniel?

Just like humans, Cocker Spaniels also go through different stages of life as this is where their growth depends on.

These are also broken down into specific periods. But note that these schedules are just a guideline as every dog has their own unique growth and development.

The first stage or phase of the life of a puppy Cocker Spaniel is their first two weeks. During this stage, the puppy will exert all their energy and nutrition for their growth. They are also most likely to sleep most of the time.

The transitional stage is when they reach around two to four weeks old as their eyes as well as their ears start to open. This is also the time when they start to stand up.

However, they will still have a hard time walking. Note that Cocker Spaniel life stages are unique for every dog, so don’t expect your puppy to exactly show the things discussed here.

Nonetheless, there is a high chance that they will. Furthermore, this is also the time when their teeth start to pop out and they learn where to poop and pee. You can eventually avoid your cocker spaniel peeing on the bed by practicing some good habits from this early stage.

Cocker Spaniels start to socialize with humans and other dogs when they are four-weeks-old.

This lasts until they are three-months-old. Their mental capacity improves and they will need more nutrition in the form of milk and food to supplement their fast growth.

What are the stages of life of a Cocker Spaniel?

This is also the time when breeders will start to sell the puppies as they can now survive without their mothers. However, this isn’t recommended as some Cocker Spaniel puppies are still underdeveloped at this stage.

When the Cocker Spaniel turns four-months-old, they will start to develop based on their own genders. They will also become more curious about their surroundings and they start to explore.

Knowing More About Adult Cocker Spaniels

When a Cocker Spaniel reaches five to six-months-old, you can expect them to get into fights with other dogs as they will start to gain consciousness about their surroundings, specifically their respective territories.

They will also display signs of fear and aggression. These are normal behaviors that are present in Cocker Spaniel life stages as this is where they grow.

Furthermore, a Cocker Spaniel will reach their maximum height when they turn one-year-old.

They will then reach their maximum weight potential when they reach two-years-old. Note, though, that these numbers are only a guide because each dog varies.

Also, note that the development of your dog varies on their environment as well as their ancestral lineage. Their living surroundings, treatment from humans and other dogs, as well as their diet, all play a huge role on how fast or slow they develop.