If you’ve recently purchased or planning to purchase a Cocker Spaniel, one of the first things you should know about is the food items that are toxic for pets. In fact, plenty of human food items are not healthy for pets.
But what about milk? Can Cocker Spaniel drink milk? Take a look-
Is Milk Safe for Cocker Spaniels?
Dairy products like milk are generally not considered the healthiest choice for Cocker Spaniels, whether it is a puppy or an adult dog. One of the biggest reasons is the fact that a lot of dogs are lactose intolerant. If you have a new pet, you can try giving him/her a bit of milk and monitor them for signs of vomiting, gas, or diarrhea. All of these are symptoms of food intolerance in your puppy.
If there are no such signs, you can consider giving your Cocker Spaniel milk in small amounts. Also, note that dairy products are also high in fat. So, only give them milk in small quantities to protect your pet against being overweight.
Can Cocker Spaniel Drink Milk Every Day?
If your Cocker Spaniel is not lactose intolerant, should you let him/her drink milk every day? If you search for this question online, you will find pet parents who give milk to their Cocker Spaniels every day.

Drinking milk health precautions for cocker spaniels. Then there are many others who do not give milk to their Cocker Spaniels at all. The best solution is to be in the middle of these extremes if your pet is not lactose intolerant. You can consider giving small amounts of milk a few times a week.
What Type of Milk is the Best for Cocker Spaniels?
Most pet parents give cow’s milk to their Cocker Spaniels. However, there are some other excellent alternatives. For instance, goat’s milk is an excellent option for dogs, as it contains a lower amount of lactose than cow’s milk. But ensure that you only purchase pasteurized goat’s milk.
Similarly, you can also consider soy milk as it is lactose-free. But again, a lot of dogs are allergic to soy. Also, soy milk has a lot of calories. Some other options are almond milk, oat milk, rice milk, and coconut milk.
Taking Care of Your Cocker Spaniel’s Health
As a pet parent, it is your responsibility to take care of your Cocker Spaniel’s health. Now that you have some solid answers with regard to whether or not milk is safe for your pet, you can make the right decision. Besides lactose consciousness, you must be concerned about feeding fish-based canned food as these have a high mercury concentration. Mercury in dog food is harmful; it could damage your dog’s cardiovascular system, nervous system, kidneys, and digestive tract.
Besides food, you need to take extra care of your Cocker Spaniel to maintain good health. Providing adequate shelter with a clean supply and bedding is important. Exercise your dog regularly is another big health factor. You can simply go for a hike at the weekend otherwise playing with him in your backyard is enough. If you are looking for more ways to keep your Cocker Spaniel fit, here are some in which your pet and you can remain fit together.
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