While adopting a cocker spaniel, many people do a cocker spaniel male vs female comparison. This comparison is necessary because it will help them to understand the cocker spaniel’s pros and cons, how to take care of them, what their behavior will be, etc. So, we are doing this cocker spaniel male vs female to help you choose a male vs female cocker spaniel.

Even Though the nature of the dogs largely depends on the breed, there will be many differences between the male and female dogs. It applies to cocker spaniel breeds too. Here is a detailed analysis of cocker spaniel females vs males.

Cocker spaniel male vs female – Key differences

In this male vs female cocker spaniel comparison we are comparing using multiple parameters. So let us begin them one by one.

Physical Differences

Cocker spaniel male vs female size is one of the easiest ways to identify the gender of the cocker spaniels.

Male Cocker Spaniel

Male Spaniels are heavier and larger than females. The average weight of male dogs is between 14 to 16 inches. The weight of them is around 20-30 pounds. The bigger body and strong musclemass are their identity.

They eat more food and it results in a huge body build. Unless a female cocker spaniel is pregnant every cocker spaniel owner agrees that male dogs eat more.

In terms of appearance, like female cocker spaniels, males have dark and big eyes. The coats are medium to long and their ears are long. The color of male dogs ranges from light brown to black.

Female Cocker Spaniel

Compared to male cocker spaniels, females are one or two inches smaller. Their average height is between 13 to 115 inches and they weigh about 20 – 25 pounds.

Apart from their usual brown coat and buff color, they can also have stunning black coats. Both male and female cocker spaniels shed moderately due to their thick and wavy coats. Females also have long ears and brown to dark big and cute eyes.

Training and Behavior

Training and Behavior

There are many differences between an American cocker spaniel male vs. female. These differences are important to know because they make the training process smooth.

Male Cocker Spaniels

Male cocker spaniels are more stubborn and it is difficult to train them. Their attention span is shorter, but they are curious about everything. Hence, to train a male cocker spaniel needs more patience.

However, it is not impossible to train them because they are very enthusiastic to please their owners. So, all you need is to find a trainer who has more patience and knows how to train with kindness and assertiveness.

Male cocker spaniels mark their territory by peeing on the places and objects. This thing they do to show their dominance & ease from the stress caused when they sniff unfamiliar odors.

Neutering of a male cocker spaniel can reduce their behavior. If you want to avoid their territory-marking habit, you need to make them busy by providing toys or rubbing their belly and cuddling.

Territory marking on the newly purchased furniture or plant or any other new things can be the first target for them. The urinating from them will cause some unwanted smell in your place.

Female Cocker Spaniels

In cocker spaniel male vs female comparison, when it comes to training ease, female cocker spaniels are the best to train. They mature quickly and naturally, they are smart. Because of these reasons, they are naturally good at hunting. If you provide them with proper training you can make female cocker spaniels the best skilled dogs.

These dogs are not yearning to please, hence they can become stubborn at times. But they can focus for a longer span. They do not investigate everything unless it makes it obvious to give their attention.

Female Spaniels also do territory marking when they are in heat. You can also make them busy and avoid territory marking.

These female dogs can also demonstrate alpha behavior. So, you need to find a skilled and experienced trainer to understand them and train them.

Health Differences

While choosing a cocker spaniel puppy, you need to know the health conditional differences between cocker spaniel male vs female puppies.

Male Cocker Spaniels

Male Cocker Spaniels

Entropion is the major disorder that may come to male cocker spaniels. In this condition, dogs’ eyelids become inverted. The hairs in the eyelids reach the cornea of their eyes.

This may result in more tearing of the eyes or infections. Skin problems, trauma, and other eye-related conditions cause this disorder. These conditions can be found in the young male cocker spaniels.

Phosphofructokinase or Glycogenosis type VII is another health issue that can become one of the threats to male cocker spaniels. Under this condition, their bodies are unable to consume carbohydrates properly. In male English Springer Spaniels and male cocker spaniels these conditions are common.

Cardiomyopathy is a major health condition that can become more deadly in male cocker spaniels than their counterparts. Under this condition, heart muscles become thin.

If you neuter your dog, they can become healthier than others. They also tend to roam less and avoid fights with all other dogs, roaming, and meeting accidents.

Female Cocker Spaniels

These spaniels are more prone to canine liver disease than males. The major causes of this are heatstroke, bruises, fatty food, and diaphragm hernia. The major signs of this disease are yellowish eyes, skin, and gums. The urine of your dog can also become yellow to slightly orange feces and urine. Under this condition, they can also experience bloody vomiting and lack of appetite.

If you see these signs in your pup, you must immediately visit your vet and get it diagnosed. This disorder can cause depression and lethargy in your dog.

A mutated cell in the female cocker spaniel’s breast causes Mammary tumors. Such cells can be non-cancerous or cancerous. But if your cocker spaniel has a lean body and is 9 and 12 months old, they have a lesser chance of getting this disease.

If female cocker spaniels are spayed before their first heat cycle, the chances of living a healthier and longer life are more. It diminishes the potential risk of tumors and all other reproductive systems.

However, whether you are adopting a male or female cocker spaniel, it is important to deal with only reputable breeders. The breeders should practice ethical ways of breeding so that they can thrive.

Temperamental Differences

Temperamental Differences

If you know the difference between cocker spaniel male vs female temperament, it will be easy to train and make them follow your commands.

Male Cocker Spaniels

By nature, male cocker spaniels are more energetic and sweeter than females. However, they are dominant and tend to indulge in fights with other male dogs. They often room around if a female dog is in heat in the surrounding area. If you want to avoid this, Neutering is the best option.

Male cocker spaniels want to please their owners and hence they will be more loyal. They are curious and seem to be playful all the time. They make cute grumpiness and whine when scolded, which may change your mood instantly.

Even though, male cocker spaniels seem to be more problematic to maintain, they can easily detect the anxiety and stress of the owner and come to rescue by showing a lot of love and comfort.

Female Cocker Spaniels

When they are puppies, female cocker spaniels are as naughty and playful as their male counterparts. But they mature early and their playful nature reduces once they mature. They become more independent quickly but they remain loyal to their owners.

Since female spaniels mature more quickly than males, they are easy to train. This nature makes it easy to get along with all the other pets in the house.

Females are not dominant and aggressive by nature. But if these dogs fight, their fights are more dangerous. If they start the fight, they won’t stop until they prove their dominance.

They are more prone to mood swings than males. Due to this, they may not socialize with all family members, rather they get attached to one person in the family and generally, they attach to their owners.

These dogs have less need for attention and become less messy. Even though they seem to be self-serving, still they have their unique ways of showing affection and love.

Behavior with Children

Behavior with Children

If kids are in the home, it is important to make a cocker spaniel male vs female comparison in terms of their behavior with kids. Especially, if your kid is too young, understanding this becomes very crucial.

Male Cocker Spaniels

For children, male cocker spaniels can be the best mates. Male cocker spaniels are highly energetic and hence they become good playmates. But you need to be cautious while children are playing with the dogs. These dogs may sometimes roughly and without their knowledge they may hurt the children.

If you have small kids at home, it is a must to supervise them while playing with furry friends. Also, you need to teach the kid about dogs and how to play with them gently. If played with gently the chances of dogs getting aggressive reduces massively.

To prevent jealousy issues in the dogs, you need to gradually introduce the new child to the dogs. You can start socializing and training the puppies once they become seven weeks old, as long as they get their initial round of dewormers and vaccines.

Female Cocker Spaniels

When they are around kids, female cocker spaniels are more cautious and gentle. Hence, these dogs are perfect playmates and companions for children, especially if you have a small kid.

However, these dogs require alone time too. So, you need to teach your kid when to play with them and when not to disturb them. When these dogs are enjoying alone time alone or when they are sleeping, it is best not to disturb them. If you try to force them to play, they may get more aggressive.

Female cocker spaniels are also ready to get trained once they are seven to eight weeks old if they are done with their first round of vaccinations.

Behavior with Other dogs and pets

Behavior with Other dogs and pets

If you have other pets, other breeds of dogs, or even other cocker spaniels, it is important to bring a puppy that can go along with them. Hence, let us discuss this aspect as well.

Male Cocker Spaniels

These cocker spaniels are more socialized dogs than their counterparts, they get along with other pets, female dogs, and neutered male dogs.

However, sometimes they may indulge in fights because they are naturally aggressive and dominant. They can also roam around if they smell any female dog that is in the heat in the surrounding area.

Hence, it is important to keep them inside the fenced area. To make them get along with all the family members and all other pets, it is important to introduce them to the entire family during their early days.

Female Cocker Spaniels

As we already discussed, female cocker spaniels act more mature and reserved. They are not eager to show their dominance and they enjoy their alone time. These dogs are more distant from strangers and new additions to the family.

So, it is very important to teach how to blend with the family to the female cocker spaniels in their initial days. This will diminish the chances of showing aggression on the family members and other pets in the house.

A well-socialized and trained female cocker spaniel may also act like a mother to kids and even to other pets in the house. They by nature have maternal instinct and early socialization helps to show that nature.


When they reach the mating age, they act differently. So, let us understand how they act during their breeding time.

Male Cocker Spaniels

Within eight to eleven months of age, a male cocker spaniel reaches sexual maturity. Male spaniel dogs are sexually active throughout the year. These dogs can sire pups even at five months of age. But they become more fertile at the age of twelve to fifteen months.

Once they reach their sexual maturity age, you may notice a few changes in their behavior. They start to wander more in search of female dogs in heat and also start to mark their territory.

Female Cocker Spaniels

A female cocker spaniel experiences its first season between the ages of eight to twelve months. You can get to know that they are in heat when you notice a light red discharge of blood, displaying the genitals and becoming more affectionate than usual. The heat will generally last for three weeks and include different stages.

During the first stage, their vulva will swell and they show their genitals to people and other dogs. And become more friendly with everyone. Once the blood discharge becomes light pink or tannish, it is a sign of their halfway mark of heat. During this stage, eggs will be released and they become ready for mating.

A female cocker spaniel experiences

When the blood changes to dark red, the heat cycle ends. It takes around six months for another season. Males will be sexually active throughout the year, but it is not in the case of female dogs.

Cocker spaniel male vs female – Pros and cons

Male cocker spaniel


  • They are energetic and always ready for play, hence best playmates for kids.
  • They can sense human emotion quickly and show affection and care.
  • These dogs try to please people and hence good companions.
  • If trained well, they can learn new things due to their always curious nature.


  • They may unintentionally hurt kids or people due to rough play.
  • They have a shorter attention span.
  • They can be defiant.
  • Training can be difficult.
  • These are dominant by nature.

Female cocker spaniels


  • These are gentle and calmer.
  • They have maternal instincts and hence are protective and loyal.
  • Easy to train.
  • Matures faster.
  • Easily get along with all other pets.


  • They do not show affection much.
  • Have frequent mood swings.
  • Attached only to their owners.
  • May turn into self-serving.
  • If engaged in fights, it can become very dangerous.

Final Thoughts

In this cocker spaniel male vs female comparison, it is hard to say which is the best companion for you. Of course, there are many differences between these two dogs. But the selection depends on your needs and requirements.

For the same reason, there isn’t much difference between cocker spaniel male vs female price. They both sell for the same price but it depends on other factors such as the breeder’s reputation, location, coat color, vaccinations, etc. Nevertheless, whichever gender you choose there is a guarantee of getting a good and lovable furry friend!


1. Are female or male cocker spaniels better?

Both male and female cocker spaniels can become loving pets. They are easygoing and get along with kids and family. But each has different pros and cons. Depending on your needs you need to choose the right puppy.

If you are alone or get away from anxiety and depression, a male dog is the best option. If you have less time to train and less time to spend with, female dogs are better. Also, there are gender-specific health conditions to check before finalizing the puppy. No matter which one you select, cocker spaniels can become one of the best pets for sure!

2. What is the personality of a male cocker spaniel?

After looking at everything about cocker Spaniels male vs female, it is easy to point out the personalities of each gender. Male cocker spaniels are more dominant, aggressive dogs. They are also eager to please their owner but have very little attention span.

They are larger and taller in appearance. More likely to roam and indulge in fights with other dogs. They are less moody and more playful.

3. What are the characteristics of a female cocker spaniel?

Female cocker spaniels are smaller and weigh less than their male counterparts. They are less dominant and hence the chances of getting into fights are less. Compared to males they tend to stay at home. However, they have mood swings and are sensitive to human emotions. But if they get into fights, they can become serious.

4. Do female cocker spaniels bark a lot?

Both female and male cocker spaniel barking depends on their personality, environment, and training. The cocker spaniel breed is known for its sensitivity and alertness. With proper training and socialization, you can reduce the amount of their barking.

5. Are female dogs calmer than males?

Yes, female cocker spaniels are calmer than their male counterparts. By nature, they do not try to show their dominance and hence the chances of indulging in fights are less.