Category: Cocker Spaniel Puppy

Do Cocker Spaniels Smell? 5 Reasons Why Your Dog Smells Bad


Why do cocker spaniels smell? How can such sweet little fur babies manage to stink? Doggie odor is a common complaint that veterinarians and groomers get from dog owners. While not all dogs have a bad smell, some breeds have been known to smell known, such as Basset Hounds, Cocker Spaniels, and Labrador Retrievers. Fortunately,

Cocker Spaniels and the influencing factors on their lifespan


Cocker Spaniel Lifespan should be an area of interest and education for an owner of this amazing breed. An effective way to enjoy your best friend for many years is to understand factors that can harm the health and longevity of your pet. The Cocker Spaniel’s even-temperament, beautiful coat, and aristocratic nature led to many

The evolution of the Cocker Spaniel Breeds


The Cocker Spaniel breed has been around since the 14th century, bred in Spain as a hunting dog. The Spaniels were specifically bred for ‘flushing out’ birds during a hunt (mostly woodcocks) and retrieving them. Spaniel is derived from ‘Spanish dog’ and the word ‘Cocker’ was added as a pre-fix due to the dog’s

Cocker Spaniel Gift Ideas for Their First Christmas


There’s no holiday as magical as Christmas. Between the red and green decorations, the smell of pine in the air, and delicious treats, Christmas is the ultimate holiday for many of us. If you got an American cocker spaniel this year, then Christmas will be even more exciting for you because it will be your

Dog-Friendly Thanksgiving Foods for Your Cocker Spaniels


Thanksgiving is all about food. While it’s a wonderful time to spend with family and be grateful for your blessings, everyone is most excited about the food at a Thanksgiving dinner. Some of us spend weeks just thinking about the mouth-watering turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie! These dishes are special because we only eat them

Reasons to Get a Cocker Spaniel: Top 10 and Beyond


Let’s be honest. Cocker spaniels are one of the best dog breeds out there! And we aren’t even biased...well, maybe a little. But that doesn’t mean that cocker spaniels aren’t great! Whether you have an English cocker spaniel, and American cocker spaniel, or an AKC cocker spaniel, you undoubtedly have one of the most amazing

Comfort Dogs for the Elderly: Cocker spaniel


The American cocker spaniel is an incredibly versatile dog breed. They are so friendly and social that they can get along with everyone from babies to the elderly. It’s true that the AKC cocker spaniel and the American cocker spaniel make wonderful family dogs, but that’s not the only role they’re suited for. Cocker spaniels

Cocker Spaniel Puppy Exercise: Different types of activities


Having a dog can improve your life in countless ways. Dogs, particularly the American cocker spaniel or AKC cocker spaniel, can make you both happier and healthier. Most people have experienced how drastically a loving pup can change their mood. However, fewer people know about the immense health benefits that can come from getting a

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