Dogs have a different way of regulating their temperature. Unlike us humans, they lower their body temperature not by sweating, but by panting. There are several factors why dogs pant. It could be that they are tired, feel hot, or dehydrated. It’s important to rehydrate your Cocker Spaniel dog when it is dehydrated.  Here we will discuss how to rehydrate a Cocker Spaniel dog.

Factors that affect dehydration in dogs

How can you determine if your dog is thirsty?

The following are indicators of dehydration in dogs to be aware of:

  • Sunken Eyes
  • Dry gums
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Collapse
  • Skin elasticity declines

If your Cocker Spaniel doesn’t eat or drink enough, it will become dehydrated.

Why do Cocker Spaniel dogs refuse to drink water?

The dog may refuse to drink for a variety of reasons, including:

  • An underlying condition, such as (heatstroke or a fever)
  • Nauseous
  • Lethargy
  • Pain
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and panting cause fluid loss.
  • Frequent urination and in higher quantities than usual result in kidney failure, diabetes, and other internal issues that lead animals to drink more

Drinking more is usually insufficient to compensate for the high volume of fluid they are losing. If your dog is urinating or drinking habits alter, you must consult a veterinarian.

How to check for dehydration in your dog?

To see whether your dog is dehydrated, pinch a small area of skin on its back or the top of its head. It should spring back if sufficiently hydrated when you release the skin. The skin will slide back into place more slowly as it loses moisture. It does not move back into its original position at all in the most severe cases of dehydration.

How to keep my dog from being dehydrated?

It’s more important to prevent your dog from being dehydrated before it becomes sick. Follow these important points to keep your Cocker Spaniel hydrated below:

  • Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh and clean water all the time.
  • Every several hours, check the container
  • To avoid bacteria, clean your dog’s water bowl daily.
  • When going for a stroll or traveling, bring a few bottles of water with you.
  • When it’s hot outside, don’t take your dog for a walk.
  • Never leave your dog alone in a vehicle.

How to keep my dog from being dehydrated?

If your veterinarian feels that your dog is dehydrated, they will most likely conduct a comprehensive ‘head to toe’ check. The goal is to determine the severity of the dehydration and determine the possible cause.

How to rehydrate a Cocker Spaniel dog after being dehydrated?

It is the best way to consult a vet if you find your Cocker Spaniel dehydrated. Using drips on the dog is the most efficient technique to manage dehydration. This replenishes lost fluids while preventing dehydration to worsen.

Monitoring fluid under the dog’s skin is an alternative way of rehydrating them. The fluid is absorbed after a few hours. However, it is less effective than a drip at treating dehydration and is only appropriate for moderate cases.

Oral rehydration solutions are also an option, but they’ll only help if your pet still wants to drink and can keep the fluid down. Antibiotics and pain relievers may be advised depending on your pet’s symptoms.

How can you help Cocker Spaniels rehydrate?

How can you help Cocker Spaniels rehydrate?

Always have a large basin of fresh water

Make sure your dog has water access all the time. If you need to leave your dog alone for an extended period, choose a large container that automatically refills as your dog drinks.

Bring a water bottle with you If you’re going out with your dog

When you go out the door with your dog, it’s always a good idea to pack a water bottle.

Limit your dog’s exposure to extreme heat

The pace at which your dog loses water will increase as the temperature rises.

As a result, you should restrict your dog’s exposure to the heatwave as it can cause heatstroke, and take extra measures to keep him hydrated. Some breeds might be more tolerant of high temperatures than others, but other dogs might suffer if exposed to them for an extended amount of time.

If you’re concerned about taking your dog out in hot weather, you might want to consider investing in a cooling vest to keep his temperature low.

He may become ill and vomit if he consumes a large amount of water. Meaning, that he’ll lose not only the water they just drank but also some extra liquid in the form of stomach juices.

As a result, attempt to spread your dog’s drinking opportunities out. You will have to use your best judgment and err on the side of caution because the exact amount you should let them take at a time may vary based on their size and the depth of their dehydration.

For example, if your dog regularly drinks 12 ounces of water in one sitting, you might want to start with roughly 4 ounces. Allow them to drink another 4 ounces or so after waiting 5 to 10 minutes to ensure they don’t vomit.

Repeat this process three or four times more until you’re sure your dog won’t vomit or gulp the water down too quickly.

Can dogs go without water for a long time?

It depends on the dog’s size, breed, and health, but even healthy canines will struggle to go for more than a few days without drinking. Dogs like Cocker Spaniels with health problems, such as kidney illness, are more vulnerable.

Throughout the day, dogs should have access to fresh, clean water. As a general rule, they consume about 50 to 60ml of water per kilogram of body weight each day.

What is the water requirement for dogs?

In technical terms, your dog needs to drink enough water to keep his body functioning and compensate for the water he loses over the day. They lose water in a variety of ways, but the four listed below are the most common:

  • Urination
  • Breathing
  • Pooping
  • Sweating

Furthermore, because every dog is unique, its water needs can differ significantly.

Your Cocker Spaniel needs roughly one ounce of water each day for every pound of body weight. A 50-pound dog, in other words, needs 50 ounces of water each day.


Just like us humans, we need to keep our dogs hydrated all the time. Sufficient water supply in their body will help them maintain their energy and they will also have a healthier body.

Cocker Spaniel are active dogs meaning, they move around all the time at the expense of the water in their body. Therefore, do not leave them dehydrated. Hopefully, this article will help you learn how to rehydrate a Cocker Spaniel dog and prevent it from being dehydrated.