With long droopy ears, Cocker Spaniel often requires cleaning inside their ears but finding out the right ear cleaner for cocker spaniels might seem difficult at times. If you own a Cocker spaniel you already know how prone they are to ear infections. And if you don’t have a Cocker Spaniel yet, still this piece of writing will be helpful to you at some point.

Dogs are gifted with powerful functionalities inside their ears that can pick up sounds that people cannot. That is why regular cleaning of your dog’s ears with a quality product is a must. It will help avoid infection in the first place. Dogs’ sensitive ears might make them vulnerable to ear infections. While it might seem insignificant to some people, an ear infection can really be quite painful and irritating for dogs, and you might find that all they can concentrate on is scratching their ears. Dog ear cleaners are a useful tool for maintaining your pet’s hearing in top condition and avoiding problems like ear wax buildup, itching, and ear infections.

But how you should maintain a Cocker Spaniel’s ears? How often do you have to clean them? Should you use ear drops or a solution? Which ear cleaner for cocker spaniels are best? Can warm water alone be sufficient? So many questions are there! Bare with us, gradually you will find answers to all these queries and some extra tips too.

Why do clean ears for Cocker Spaniels really matter?

Ear infection frequently occurs if routine ear cleanings and proper health care for Cocker Spaniel’s ear are not performed. Even the most skilled owner might not notice an ear infection.

Because of their anatomical predisposition to ear problems, Cocker Spaniels need to have their ears cleaned. The inner ear of the Cocker is located quite deep within the ear anatomy. The outer, middle, and inner ear are the three parts of a dog’s ear.

Dogs’ ear canals are longer and narrower than those of humans, and they begin to curve as they approach the inner ear. Just picture a big blanket covering the ear, yes, you have the Cocker Spaniel ear.

Things that cause ear issues in Cocker Spaniels

Things that cause ear issues in Cocker Spaniels

Allergies: The accumulation of debris and inflammation in a dog’s ears can be brought on by seasonal allergies like pollen and dust and airborne irritants. Recurrent yeast infections can also be brought on by allergies.

Infections: While oral medications/topical ointments are often used to treat bacterial and yeast infections, using an antibacterial ear cleaning can help keep infections from returning. Ear solutions can’t cure infections that are already present.

Aural Mites: Ear mites can produce itchy, black discharge from the ears, as well as a terrible smell. They are more prevalent in canines that live with cats. They could make it more superficial for dogs to have bacterial and yeast infections. Antiparasitic ear cleaners can help you get rid of mites and keep your dog comfortable. In addition to routine ear cleanings, your dog will require a trip to the veterinarian for a prescription that kills mites.

Canine Breeds: Your dog can be more susceptible to ear problems if its ears are hairy or floppy. Old English Cockers, cocker spaniels, and tiny poodles are some of these breeds that face ear-related difficulties mostly.

More than Enough Prescription: Certain prescription drugs that a dog may have taken for a variety of medical reasons may cause responses, either just after dosing or as a side effect. One reason why some may advocate attempting a natural course of action first is adverse reactions to pharmaceutical “cures” in the future. It’s best to seek gentler remedies for health issues if you can because Cocker Spaniels are little dogs with very delicate systems.

Symptoms of an ear infection in Cockers

There are certain signs that indicate your Cocker Spaniel has an ear infection, however, even healthy dogs can occasionally have an ear infection. These indicators include

  • cocker spaniel smelly ears
  • rubbing ears constantly
  • scratching the ears
  • rubbing the carpet or furniture with their head
  • Slope head
  • deafness
  • detritus or ear discharge
  • edema or redness along the ear canal
  • head trembling

Symptoms of an ear infection in Cockers

If any of the signs mentioned above is seen in your cockers do not wait just make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible, he/she will definitely prescribe some ear cleaner for cocker spaniels or some medication as per requirement.

So, what exactly is an Ear Cleaner for Cocker/any dogs?

In order to remove bacteria, yeast, and other germs that might cause odour, itching, and discomfort, a dog ear cleaner is a solution made specifically for cleaning dogs’ ears. Regularly cleaning your dog’s ears, particularly if they spend a lot of time in the water or are more prone to ear infections.

When to use an ear cleaner for Cocker Spaniels

The ideal time to examine your dog’s ears is once each week to look for inflammation, infection, dirt, sensitivity, and parasites like ear mites. Look for any signs of inflammation, discharge, debris, or waxy buildup. In order to be familiar with how the ears seem in excellent health, it is crucial to regularly examine your dog’s ears.

Keeping your dog’s ears clean serves two major purposes: either to address an ongoing issue like an infection or allergy or to avoid wax buildup and bacterial infections.

If your cocker is still young and has an ear issue don’t use any product without consulting the vet. If the pup has a history of this disease go check up with an experienced vet first.

The best type of ear cleaner

Now, you must be thinking there are so many products available in the market but which one to purchase? Later in this section, we have arranged some info that you should consider when buying an ear cleaner for Cocker Spaniels. Before that let’s learn about different forms of ear cleaners.

Liquid vs wipes

It is strongly advised that you use a high-quality ear cleaning. Cleaning solutions including alcohol or hydrogen peroxide may irritate the inner ear, especially if the tunnel is irritated or ulcerated.

Liquid: It is consistently advised to use liquid dog ear cleansers over anything else.

Liquid vs wipes

These cleaning agents are delivered as drops that nestle deep into your pet’s ear canals. They are most effective for those who have a lot of wax buildup, but they can be messy, especially for sensitive puppies. You’ll need a cotton ball and a gentle wipe to administer liquid solutions. Never use a cotton-tipped swab or anything pointy since doing so might promote the growth of germs.

Wipes: While the wipes are less effective at cleansing the ear canal than liquid cleaners, wipes are nevertheless useful for basic maintenance and less messy. Although you can’t reach the inner ear canal of your dog, you can get rid of the exterior wax buildup. Additionally, because every wipe is disposable, it is not a green choice. But the area of your dog’s ear that is visible can be cleaned with wet wipes or a damp washcloth.

How to find the best ear cleaners for cocker spaniels

Effective ear cleaners include a cerumenolytic – an ear wax softener to aid in removing wax buildup, but it’s essential to speak with your dog’s veterinarian about which one is best for the pup. Inflamed and irritated ear tissue can be damaged by strong components like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, that’s why it is necessary to consult with a doctor first. You should stay with goods that include only natural components like aloe vera, vitamin-e, and no potentially dangerous substances that may have a negative impact on your dog. For instance, tea tree oil may cause allergic responses in certain dogs, and this component may have more negative effects than positive ones.

How to find the best ear cleaners for cocker spaniels

Additionally, some vets also advise avoiding using DIY dog ear cleaners without first checking with your veterinarian. They say no to digging far into the ear or using a cotton swab since it might harm the ear. The key is to touch it gently.

The best ear-cleaning product for your dog should be chosen among the various options available on the market. Which ear cleaners can suit your pet may be determined with assistance from your veterinarian. So, we highly suggest before you use any product on your dog’s ear make sure it’s safe by conferring with your vet.

Here we are listing a few products that have positive vet approvals:

Virbac ear cleaner

Veterinarians advise using Virbac ear cleaner to heal your pet’s ear irritation, wax accumulation, redness, and itching. This ear-cleaning solution doesn’t hurt and won’t make your dog agitated after being poured into their ears, unlike most others. In just two to three applications, the remedy begins to work its magic. For dogs with delicate ears, it’s ideal.

According to the manufacturer, it can relieve inflammation in your dog’s inner ear or acute otitis externa. Additionally, they discovered that it successfully cleaned our dog’s ears of earwax, filth, and particles.

Vetwell Ear Cleaner

In addition to cleaning a pet’s ear, this cleaner also makes cuddling sessions incredibly enjoyable. You will find yourself not only scratching but also sniffing your dog’s ears when they are scented with cucumber melon or sweet pea vanilla. It is incredibly well-approved by dog owners who say how simple it is to use and how well it gets rid of filth. The cherry on top is the pleasant scent.

Springer Spaniel Ear Cleaning Solution

The solution is created by a veterinarian that works gently on the dog and gives clean, odour-free ears! It cleans off dirt, wax, and debris quickly to avoid illnesses! No irritants or dangerous chemicals are used in the manufacturing of this product! It contributes great help to relieve your dog from scratching and itching!

Zymox Ear Cleaner

It’s a fantastic over-the-counter option for simple ear cleaning in dogs with healthy ears. We also appreciate that it has undergone rigorous testing to prove its efficacy in cleaning up debris.

Zymox Ear Cleaner

It has a special combination of enzymes that clean and sanitizes the ear canal. It fights against and cures yeast, bacterial, and fungal infections. An everyday cleanser may be used because it is so gentle. It contains hydrocortisone which is an anti-itching agent.

Nutri-Vet Ear Cleaner for Cocker Spaniels

Another excellent choice for cleaning your dog’s ears is Nutri-Vet. The removal of wax, debris, and other buildups using this solution help to calm and clean the ears. In addition to helping with fungal infections, bug bites, fleas, and other skin issues, Nutri-Vet can also relieve itching.

  • Veterinarians created and developed the recipe.
  • satisfies the need for itchy alleviation
  • reduces irritability
  • cleanses and freshens the ears
  • The formula is gentle and calming and doesn’t hurt or burn

Additionally, the recipe is incredibly soft and contains ingredients that work well to relieve the ears while still being safe for use on dogs and puppies. Additionally, veterinarians that adhere to the highest standards of quality and consistency designed this recipe.

Herbal Ear Wash

The mixture is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiviral because it is made of natural aloe vera gel, natural golden seal extract, and many other ingredients. With no use of drying chemicals, this gentle mixture removes wax and grime from your dog’s ears. The odour and discomfort in your dog’s ears will go, and they will also smell terrific. This calming ear wash eliminates itchiness, redness, and odour and is a very good ear cleaner for Cocker Spaniels.

  • Gentle Herbal Ear Wash Dogs’ Herbal Ear Cleaner
  • Soft and secure
  • Produced in the USA
  • Cleans Ears of Odor and Removes Dirt and Ear Wax in a Witch Hazel-based, non-drying solution.
  • aids in promoting the healing of ear flap surface irritations

Ear Wipes for Earthbath

These ear wipes are useful for light cleaning maintenance to remove dirt and wax buildup and are safe for cats and dogs over the age of six weeks. Aloe, witch hazel, and cucumber extract are examples of natural components that aid in odour eradication without the use of harsh chemicals or artificial perfumes.

Pet MD Dog Ear Cleaner Wipes

Pet MD Dog Ear Cleaner Wipes

These wipes are a great substitute for dogs that don’t like liquid ear cleaners. They work wonders for freshening up odorous or somewhat filthy ears and guard against yeast and bacterial infections. They are better for regular maintenance as opposed to addressing significant ear issues, though they don’t clean all the way down the ear canal.

Homemade ear cleaner for cocker spaniels

When you think about homemade ear cleaner for Cocker Spaniels the zims cocker ear cleaner comes up first. The cleaner contains Isopropyl alcohol with 1.5 tablespoons of powdered boric acid. Making this cleaner is easy but you must avoid letting any boric acid touch your skin or clothing. If you do, rinse it off right away.

The mixture then needs to shake vigorously for five minutes, or until the powdered boric acid has completely dissolved. A two-ounce addition of white vinegar Shake the mixture once again for a further five minutes, or until the powdered boric acid has completely dissolved.

Shake it again after adding one teaspoon of the Betadine antimicrobial. Avoid getting Betadine on your skin or clothing. If you do, you have to rinse it off right away. Now that it is set to use, as the ear-cleaning solution.

Will it be safe to use on my dog?

As long as the dog’s ear drum is healthy and there are no visible cuts, scrapes, scratches, or pierces you can use it. Because the alcohol would hurt and the boric acid would have a way into the circulation, it would not be a good idea to use the ear cleaning solution until the wound had fully healed if your dog had clawed his ears with his claws and damaged the skin. Please take extra caution not to accidentally get any of the dog’s eyes when cleaning your dog’s ears.

While the internet is filled with tons of recipes do not just follow everything, we suggest you talk to the vet first before trying any homemade ear cleaner for your cocker spaniels.

The Cautions

The Cautions

Make sure the ear cleaner for Cocker Spaniels doesn’t include any potentially dangerous substances. Tea tree oil is one of the key substances to avoid while purchasing a product. Dogs react negatively to that in all kinds of ways.

You may learn more about the cleaner’s functions from the active ingredients of the products you are purchasing. Avoid products with –

  • Preservatives that might irritate a dog ear that is already sensitive
  • Synthetic scents to cover up odours but are not essential.
  • A product made of propylene glycol, which is included in antifreeze, can cause skin problems if used regularly.
  • DIY remedies that can injure your dog’s ears include those that include hydrogen peroxide and alcohol, which can aggravate the ear worse.

Instead, look for products that have –

  • antimicrobials, salicylic acid and lactic acid and are most effective at preventing yeast or minor bacterial infections.
  • Using hydrocortisone can assist with itching.
  • antifungal medication ketoconazole is used.

The proper way of cleaning The Ear Cleaner for Cocker Spaniels

Verify that your dog genuinely needs ear cleaning before pulling out the dog ear cleaner. To understand what a healthy, clean ear looks like check if it’s pink, odourless, not filthy or inflamed and does not smell yeasty or stinky, and only clean your dog’s ears when you detect a difference. Remember, over-cleaning your dog’s ears can cause infection and irritation.

While some dogs only need their ears cleaned occasionally, others, prone to ear infections need to check and care for very often.

  • Bring your dog and your supplies together. It will be simpler to clean your dog’s ears if you wait until he is quiet. Don’t be hesitant to entice them with treats. Fill your dog’s ear canal with an ear-cleaning solution that has been suggested by a veterinarian, then massage the base of the ear for about 30 seconds very gently. As the product removes buildup and debris, you will hear a squishing sound. As touching your dog’s ear with the applicator tip might introduce germs, avoid doing so.
  • Give your dog a headshake. This is where the towel comes in; you may use it to clean his face and shield yourself from the spray. Once your dog stops shaking, wipe out its ear canal carefully with either a cotton ball or a piece of gauze. During the cleaning process, if your dog seems to be in discomfort, stop and call your veterinarian.
  • A nice place to start for simple outer ear maintenance is using ear wipes. To increase comfort, move slowly and incrementally at first; avoid entering deeply within the ear.
  • If your dog needs liquid ear cleanser, use the restroom or go outside before applying it since your dog will shake their head and fly drips everywhere!
  • Never apply liquid ear cleaning to your dog with the nozzle in the ear. Fill the ear canal gradually from above.
  • After giving liquid ear cleaning to your dog, be sure to massage the base of their ears for 30 seconds.

The proper way of cleaning The Ear Cleaner for Cocker Spaniels

How To Treat An Infected Cocker Spaniel Ear

The necessary medications will be prescribed for your dog by the doctor once an ear infection has been identified. Some antibiotics for dogs are given orally, while others are inserted into the ear. The infection in most Cocker’s ears can be treated with a one-time wax-based medicine.

Ear Cleaner for Cocker Spaniels to treat Yeast or Bacterial Ear Infections

A Cocker ear’s deep, dark crevice is the ideal place for moisture to collect, which allows germs or yeast to flourish. In the ear, inflammation underneath lets bacteria grow.

Malassezia patchy dermatitis is the name given to those yeast-like organisms that develop in the dog’s ear. It’s natural to have yeast on the skin and in the ears, but when it overgrows, it can cause a dark, oily, or grey discharge. Cockers typically scratch at their ears, and there may be an odour.

An auditory hematoma can develop from untreated yeasty ear infections. In this situation, the dog’s head shaking or excessive scratching might cause a blood artery in the earflap to burst and hemorrhage. A veterinarian must remove the blood clot(s) and bandage the ear.

Ear infections that recur often and are left untreated may leave scars or introduce germs into the mix. The cocker spaniel ear infection treatment is difficult to treat when yeast and bacteria are present. A veterinarian can identify the source by cultivating the ear canal and examining the contents under a microscope (bacteria or yeast, or both).

For a comprehensive ear examination, your veterinarian might need to sedate a dog. For a thorough ear flush and a clear view of the eardrum, your doctor may need to sedate the dog. Many years ago, our friend Cocker Spaniel, was sent to the vet’s office for a thorough ear flush without anesthesia due to a possible ear infection.

Preventions for Cocker Spaniel’s ear infection

Preventions for Cocker Spaniel's ear infection

Preventing ear infections from developing in the first place is one of the simplest methods to treat them. Although it may seem obvious, there are proper and improper ways to clean the Cocker ear. To completely prevent ear infections, an ear cleaning is not a cure-all.

Food allergies or sensitivities are frequently linked to ear issues. When food allergy or environmental allergy is eliminated from their surroundings, an incredible number of dogs no longer experience ear problems.

Maintain Clean Ear Canals

Although it might seem obvious, I believe that keeping a Cocker’s ear canal exceptionally clean, trimmed down, and clear of dirt can help. There are a few things you can do to train a dog to become used to having his ears cleaned, whether you’ve rescued a Cocker Spaniel or your dog bolts when an ear cleaner is nearby.

Make it a point to routinely massage their ears (as long as they enjoy it). If your dog is accustomed to the handling, they won’t protest when you want to look at their ears.

Cocker Spaniel’s Ear Hair Needs Trimming

The Cocker Spaniel’s inner ear flap must be clear of debris, closely cropped to prevent hair from getting in the way of airflow, and devoid of any indications of infection, inflammation, or redness.

It will be less likely for the Cocker Spaniel to get an ear infection if the inner ear flap and the region next to the canal are kept hair-free. If your Cocker Spaniel regularly visits a groomer, make sure the ear hair is cut short. If you’re interested, you may learn how to use corded or cordless clippers to groom the Cocker ear’s interior.

What if your dog hates Ear Cleaner

Don’t be shocked if your dog is reluctant to get his ears cleaned; this is common. Here are a few techniques to help you establish trust and train your dog to allow you to clean their ears at home discreetly.

What if your dog hates Ear Cleaner

Touch their ears often – because they aren’t used to having their delicate ears handled, your dog may dislike having their ears cleaned. Therefore, start by caressing their ears and rewarding them with goodies before you even begin to clean their ears at home. They won’t be caught off guard when it comes to cleaning in this manner.


Regular use of ear cleaner for Cocker Spaniels will help you remove germs and yeast that have been trapped within your dog’s ears, preventing further ear infections. But avoid frightening your Cocker Spaniel or “holding him down” when cleaning or treating his ears. You need the ear cleansing procedure to go well.


1. What Do You Clean Cocker Spaniel Ears With?

The best way to clean Cocker Spaniel’s ears would be to use any liquid cleaner that is suggested by the vet. Dog ear cleaner wipes are also good products.

2. Should You Clean Cocker Spaniels Ears?

Of course, you should clean Cocker’s ears. As they are more susceptible to ear infections, they need more frequent ear cleaning. But overdoing it may bring some problems to your Cocker.

3. What Does a Cocker Spaniel Ear Infection Look Like?

Ears frequently get red, swell, and produce an unpleasant odour. It frequently manifests as a black or yellowish discharge. Due to the ongoing inflammation, in chronic instances, the ears may seem crusty or swollen, and the ear canals frequently shrink (stenotic). Cocker Spaniels’ itching, head shaking, redness in their ear canal, excessive wax buildup, and foul odour are a few signs of ear infections.

4. Do Cocker Spaniels Have Smelly Ears?

Cockers’ large ears create a warm, wet environment that is ideal for parasites like yeast and bacteria.  When the bacteria start colonizing inside their ears, the odour is produced.

5. Can I Clean My Cocker Spaniel’s Ears With Baby Wipes?

One may find no problem using baby wipes for cleaning Cocker Spaniel’s ear in an emergency situation but it is not a proper way to do it. Due to the different ph levels of humans and dogs, baby wipes can be considered harmful to dogs’ ears. Dogs should not use alcohol-containing wipes. Alcohol can dry up their skin, resulting in the skin-irritating severely.