The worst nightmare for any pet owner would be the ear infection of their loved kid, and with Cockers when the chances are too high it is the most important thing to know how to clean cocker spaniel ears. No worries! With this simple guide keep your Cocker Spaniel’s ears clean and free of infections!

Humans frequently practice personal hygiene, but canines also require regular hygiene practices. Your dog needs basic hygiene and regular checkups in order to stay as healthy as possible. They could contract infections or other diseases if you don’t take care of their cleanliness. Cleaning a dog’s ears is particularly important because ear infections are the second most typical reason dogs visit the vet.

Ear infection in dogs is a typical occurrence that occurs at least once in every dog’s lifetime. A buildup of germs or yeast in the ear canal results in severe pain and swelling. Commercial ear cleansers are safe when used as your veterinarian has instructed since they have various features built into greatly lower debris and humidity in the ears.

Typical Reasons for Dog Ear-Related Issues

Consult a vet to evaluate your dog’s requirements and to make sure they aren’t experiencing a severe infection or hearing damage before you began. Some dogs may not need ear deep cleaning nearly as often as others.

Cleaning your dog’s ears on a regular basis will help avoid ear infections if they are prone to them. Do you ever wonder what may cause such diseases and irritants? Here are some typical reasons why dog ear problems occur:

  • Over 80% of dogs with food allergies experience ear issues, and ear infections affect 50% of dogs with allergies.
  • The ear canal’s moisture and temperature provide the ideal environment for yeast and bacteria to flourish.
  • a waxy layer
  • Grass, hair, and wax are examples of foreign objects.
  • an ear mite
  • thyroid illness as an endocrine disorder
  • Autoimmune illness
  • Damage to the ear canals
  • excessive cleaning or using the incorrect solution to clean dog ears.

When to perform the ear cleaning in Cocker

When to perform the ear cleaning in Cocker

The frequency of cocker spaniel ear cleaning has to be at least once a week or every other week.  Better to make it a ritual. With a cleaning schedule, cocker spaniel ears will be out of risk. And the Cocker will also get used to it and let you perform the task without any trouble. It also helps you to detect the problem sooner.

It’s crucial to understand your dog genuinely needs its ears cleaned before you perform it. Knowing what a normal, clear ear looks like (pink, odorless, not inflamed) and what odors are like (not yeasty or stinky) will help you know when to wipe your dog’s ears and prevent infection and irritation.

It’s probably about time for cleansing if you smell a bad odor or see the dog moving his head more frequently than usual. Contact your veterinarian if your dog’s ear seems red and swollen, smells funky, or if he shows signs of pain. These signs, which call for medical treatment, could point to allergies, fleas, ear mites, or ear infections. Frequently, cleaning an infected ear does more harm than good.

How to clean cocker spaniel ears at Home

One of the cornerstones to providing your pet with a happy, healthy life is an appropriate treatment, which includes understanding how to cleanse dog ears at home. Here you will know the best way to clean a cocker spaniel’s ear at home. Be it your old Cocker or new one cleaning Cocker’s ears is a must at every age. Cleaning cocker spaniel puppy ears regularly can lessen the chances of getting ear infections at an early age.

Be prepared

Before jumping into the cleaning, you must have arranged the things you need to clean cocker spaniel ears. To properly clean the dog’s ears, you just need a few tools. The stuff to clean cocker spaniel’s ear is – a cotton ball or piece of gauze, dog ear-cleaning solution, and a cloth. Avoid using anything with a sharp point, including cotton-tipped swabs. These instruments may force dirt and other material deeper into your dog’s ears, increasing the risk of infection and even causing damage to the ear’s internal structures.

Dog Ear Cleansing Options

Dog Ear Cleansing Options


There are numerous homemade dog ear cleaning products available online. The safest option is to use ear-cleaning products that have been recommended by veterinarians. Some homemade ear-cleaning remedies include poisonous or irritant substances. Others merely don’t do well. The regular vet of your Cocker knows its requirements, and the condition inside the ears the best.

The situation when you should avoid cleaning your Cocker’s ear

There might be a situation when your dog appears to have balance issues or tilts his head and suffers great pain. This might indicate a damaged eardrum, and flushing fluid into the ear could cause irreversible damage. Do not wash your dog’s ears if you detect any of these signs, and instead, take them to the vet as soon as you can.

How to keep your Cockers Calm while performing ear cleaning

Avoid using the cotton bud or ball to wipe one of your dog’s ears. To avoid spreading infection from one ear to the other, dispose of it after usage. While trying to soothe and calm your Cocker, talk to him in a soft voice.

If he was (mostly) calm and well-behaved throughout, thank him after you’re done and offer him one of his favorite treats!

By following the additional instructions below, you can maintain your beloved Cocker’s ears clean, healthy, and free of mites, viruses, bacteria, and yeast infections. If you don’t clean your dog’s ears, he can have a terrible infection and be miserable.

Ear Cleaning Procedure

Clean your hands first

There is no sense in putting your Cocker’s health at risk. To prevent passing bacteria from your fingertips to your dog, fully wash your hands before washing their ears.

Inspect both the ears

While you gently examine the insides of each ear, ask your Spaniel to sit. There shouldn’t be any bad odor, they should really be neat & pink, and any wax or discharge shouldn’t be seen. While there is no foul smell, a small brown or blackish wax may see which is fine.

When occasionally maximum amounts of brown wax develop in his ears, you can just give them a wash with an additional doggie-scented cotton ball.

Utilize a dog ear-cleaning fluid

Utilize a dog ear-cleaning fluid

Give your pet’s ears a few drops of your preferred ear-cleaning solution and gently massage the base of his ear for a few minutes. My Cocker adores this and will allow me to stroke her for quite some time. But beware, he’ll undoubtedly shake his head and cover you in wax and solution when you stop rubbing his ears!

Cleaning the Cocker Spaniel’s Ears

To clean your dog’s ears, just add a few drops of solution to a tiny, spotless dish (externally, around the outside of the ear canal). Just remember to disinfect it beforehand with boiling water. An old jam jar lid will do. Avoid inserting cotton buds into your pet’s ears when cleaning them because doing so could severely harm the eardrum. Clean only the portion of the inner ear that is visible to you. Do not poke the eardrum; only examine the visible portion of the middle ear.

Squeeze any extra with a wet cotton ball after dipping it into the solution.

Remove the same or more dirt and debris from the fur within the ear as you can, keep doing it from the inside of your dog’s ear to the edge.

Clean The Folded Parts of the Ears

The folded areas of your Cocker’s ears should be carefully cleaned by dipping a cotton bud into the ear-wash solution.

Dry your cocker Spaniel’s Ears

Bacteria thrive in warm, wet environments, therefore it is best to let the ears completely dry after cleaning them to help prevent the growth of bacteria. To get rid of any remained ear-wash liquid, use a normal tissue or towel.

Keep Your Cocker’s Ears Trimmed

The airflow within your dog’s ear canal may be improved by shaving off extra hair from the area around the aperture. If the hair is extremely waxy, you might need to add a puff or two of medicinal powder to help you hold it.

Your dog’s ears will become less of a breeding place for bacteria if you can reduce the moisture content thereby increasing air circulation.

Clean cocker spaniel ear infections

Clean cocker spaniel ear infections

A proper diagnostic and ear solution is still required if your cocker spaniel has ear infections. The solution can help destroy any bacteria, yeast, or debris causing the illness. Both while the infection is present and after the infection has cleared up, remember to regularly clean your dog’s ears. Maintaining a clean environment will help you fight diseases. It’s simple to provide natural medications at home.


Most dogs enjoy having their ears cleaned because that feels excellent. Any pressure and filth buildup are released during the massage and cleaning. For extra information, if you have any additional questions about cleaning your dog’s ears follow our blogs daily.


1. How Often Do You Clean Dog Ears?

Dog’s ears are very prone to get infected that’s why it requires extra care. At least once a month dog’s ear needs to be cleaned. Dogs that have ears always open to the air does not require their ear to be cleaned often. Other dogs that have floppy ears need their ear cleaned once a week. Dogs with hanging ears are at risk of having infections and should be checked more often.

2. How Do You Clean Dog Ears with Vinegar?

A solution needs to be prepared by dissolving the vinegar into the water to a minimum 50/50 ratio. Using a solution bottle or needle to spray the solution into the ear canal is a better option. Afterward, gentle massaging on the ears for a minimum of 30 minutes could help the liquid to get inside the ear canal. After that, the dog will shake its head which is normal. Next, you can just let the ear dry to complete the whole ear-cleaning process.

3. How to Clean Cocker Spaniel Ears at Home Naturally?

To naturally clean Cockers ears at home you will need apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. A natural homemade option that requires water and vinegar to clean potentially clean Cockers ear.

4. How to Clean Cocker Spaniel Ears with Hydrogen Peroxide?

For a dog with a minor infection, and with a veterinarian’s approval, a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water can be used to clean out the ear canals using a cotton ball. Never use a q tip or other sharp instrument since they can harm your Cocker’s ear.

5. How to Clean Cocker Spaniel Ears without Solution?

Using warmed coconut oil Cocker Spaniel’s ears can be cleaned. Make sure the oil isn’t too cold and is at least at room temperature. Put a few drops of coconut oil into each ear canal using a syringe or medical dropper. Let the oil remain in his ears. To clean the area right inside your dog’s ears, use that warm, damp towel. Recurring the process every two to three hours. But you must use a vet-approved ear cleaner or solution because that would be the best solution.