Category: News

Top 5 Activities Your Dog Will Love This Summer


Summers are some of the hottest days of the year, and they actually pose a health risk for you and your cocker spaniel. Much like humans, our furry friends may suffer from the detrimental effects of the sun, namely heat stroke. It’s only fitting to keep cool this summer… and also have some fun while

Raw Food Diet for Dogs: Is It Right For Your Dog?


Before people had domesticated dogs into pets, their diets consisted mainly of raw food—bone, raw meat, and even fruits and vegetables. It was only during the time when they were first welcomed to homes that dry dog food became the staple meal for pets. However, the raw food diet for dogs has been making a

5 Things To Remember When Hiking With Your Cocker


Exploring the great outdoors is an adventure in itself, but it becomes a lot more memorable when you take your beloved cocker on one of your trips. The cocker spaniel is a sporting dog and loves to hunt the woods. They get instant happiness just being by being outside, and they are easy to tag

Do’s And Don’t’s When Taking Your Cocker Spaniels To Work


Cocker spaniels are some of the most lovable dog breeds, and anyone meeting a cocker for the first time will possibly fall in love with this dog’s friendly and cheerful nature. Here we have added some helpful professional advice to taking your cocker spaniels to work. Owning a cocker spaniel is the most adoring experience

Mercury In Dog Food: Facts You Need to Keep in Mind


Pets are pretty much an owner’s child— you give them shelter, groom them and feed them, like you would to your own baby. They require a lot of effort and attention since they can be vulnerable to external threats. Sometimes, these threats cannot be fought by a simple bark or exposure of canine teeth. For

Service Dog for Elderly: Why They Matter to Senior Citizen


Growing into seniority (age 65 and older) is one of the hardest transitions in life, and it’s not just because of the bodily changes that happen around these ages. As in Erickson’s 8thPsychosocial stage, Ego Integrity versus Despair, acclimating to the golden ages depends on how satisfied they are with the life they have led.

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