Category: News

Tips to Make Water Play More Fun for Your Cocker Spaniel


The cocker spaniel is a well-loved and highly preferred breed of choice because of their cheerful and playful disposition. They are originally bred as bird-hunting dogs, and are therefore some of the most active breeds out there. A cocker’s sporty nature makes for great time doing water sports, and if you are one of

Picking Out the Best Pet Camera for Your Cocker Spaniel


One of the hardest parts of being a pet parent is leaving them at home while you go about your work. While cocker spaniels have great adaptability to home living, they can have very low tolerance to being alone. This might trigger anxiety, which in turn would make you anxious, too. They are also really

Why do our dogs make us so happy?


Researchers are beginning to take a closer look at how our pets benefit us. Here are just a few reasons: They push us to be physically active: Dog owners walk 79% more each day than people with no dog. Scientific fact! They improve our health: Owning a dog is linked to reduced risk factors for

Halloween Has Gone to the Dogs


It’s the beginning of October and, if you’re like the rest of us, you’re already thinking about Halloween! While it’s still a few weeks away, Halloween marks the beginning of the festive holiday season. Before you know it, it’ll be Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and then New Year’s! There’s nothing more fun than getting into the

Your Cocker Spaniel’s First Christmas


There’s no holiday as magical as Christmas. Between the red and green decoration, the smell of pine in the air, and delicious treats, Christmas is the ultimate holiday for many of us. If you got an American cocker spaniel this year, then Christmas will be even more exciting for you because it will be your

Essential Dog Commands Every Dog Should Know

2023-08-09T04:42:30+00:00Tags: |

We care so much about the pet dogs that we are prepared to spend money on their grooming, vet visits, food, and everything else that would keep them happy and healthy. But besides these, pet owners must properly educate and teach their dogs some basic command training. Dog training stimulates your dog's mind and develops

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