We care so much about the pet dogs that we are prepared to spend money on their grooming, vet visits, food, and everything else that would keep them happy and healthy. But besides these, pet owners must properly educate and teach their dogs some basic command training. Dog training stimulates your dog’s mind and develops discipline and obedience, and it helps your dog to be more active and well-behaved. Also, a well-trained dog is fun to keep around yourself as well. So, pet owners must properly educate and teach their dogs the basic instructions. It stimulates your dog’s mind and develops discipline and obedience, which is beneficial in addressing behavior issues. When you start to train your dog there are 4 essential dog commands that your dog must know and we’ve tried to cover those commands here in this article. 

4 Essential Dog Commands To Teach Your Dog

There are several dog obedience training facts to be aware of, but here are a few of the essential dog commands which you can teach your puppy.

1. Name Recognition

The goal is to correctly address your dog while teaching commands. So name recognition is the first dog command a dog should learn. 

Call Your Dog Command - Name Recognition


Before you start training your dog for any activity, make sure they know their name. This should be the first step in establishing discipline. If you address your puppy correctly, it will be simpler to teach him. If your dog stares or looks at you when you say their name, this is clear evidence that they react well.

When they get things properly, give them some dog gifts or show some affection to them.

2. Sit & Stay

It helps your dog to relax and keep them under control. Sit & Stay Command for Dog


This is another basic command every dog should know. You can start with teaching your dog how to sit. Once he completes it, give your dog a reward, hold the reward closer to your dog’s nose, then gradually raise your hand up, causing your dog’s head to move in the same direction as your hand. Then give the sit order while the dog is in the natural sitting position. Repeat this task with food or praise until your dog has mastered it.

Teach your puppy the ‘stay’ command once they’ve mastered at ‘sit’ order. When your puppy is in a natural sitting position, open your palm facing your dog and instruct him to ‘stay.’ Continue the practice by gradually moving away from your dog and then commanding him to ‘stay.’ When you perform a good job, reward your dog with a treat or do some fun activities with them. Rep the activity until they’ve mastered it.

3. Come

The purpose is to get your dog to return to you and keep him out of danger.

Come Command for Dogs


First, put a collar and leash on your dog. Then pull the dog’s leash towards you while keeping a specified gap between you and your dog, then say ‘come.’ As soon as your dog approaches you, reward them with a treat, praise, or love. Repeat this until your dog understands it completely. 

4. Leave it or No

The goal is to prevent your dog from grabbing or picking up something they are planning to eat.

Leave it training for dogs


There will be some situations when you won’t want your dog to consume something that is difficult to digest. This is why a command like ‘No’ or ‘Leave It’ is useful. Begin by holding both hands full of rewards. Gradually bring the first hand or treat closer to your dog’s face to get them to lick or smell it, then say ‘leave it’ or ‘no.’

Do not give your dog the first reward that he or she tries to take from your hand. When your dog has lost interest in the first reward, give the second treat from the opposite hand. This action indicates that they followed the instructions.

Some Dog Training Tips: Beneficial Advice to Follow

1. Be Consistent

To prevent confusing your dog, always use the same orders, and make sure everyone in the household understands them. Don’t alter the rules based on your mood or who’s walking him. 

2. Don’t Put Them on Timeout

A timeout is incomprehensible to a dog. Because dogs live in the now, reward and punishment must also be in the moment. Putting your dog in his cage for a timeout will simply make him despite his crate.

3. Patience is required

Especially when it comes to a puppy, they will test your patience from time to time! You must constantly be patient with your dog, regardless of his age. A dog will never be “completely trained” and will be in training for the rest of its life. Recognize this, take a deep breath when he doesn’t meet your (probably unrealistic!) expectations, and keep practicing.

Final Thought

If you can teach these commands to your puppy then daily life with your puppy will be a lot of fun and interesting. This will also help your dog to grow mentally and help socializing. During this training, consistency is important and your dog must learn that ignoring these commands is not an option. Give them treat from time to time, our research shows this is one of the easy ways to teach commands. So teach these 4 essential dog commands and follow these tips while teaching then you will get a companion which fun to be around.