Comparing Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel could be difficult for someone who hasn’t been around these breeds. Springer Spaniel and Cocker Spaniel are both popular breeds of spaniels. They are popularly known as the kind breed and are often noticeable for their looks. With their floppy ears and big eyes, their whole appearance turns into a loveable thing.

Springer spaniel and cocker spaniel are often compared due to their similar appearances and characteristics. They are devoted hunters with strong individual personalities. This article will compare the differences between Springer and Cocker Spaniels and show some interesting facts about these two small spaniel breeds.

Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel: Grooming Differences

Dogs like Springer Spaniels & Irish Setter are heavy Dogs but Cocker Spaniels has a small built.

Both Springer Spaniel and a Cocker Spaniel breeds of gun dogs were traditionally breed for flushing out game birds. While both breeds have some similarities in their grooming needs, there are also some key differences.

Springer Spaniels have a medium-length, wavy coat that requires regular brushing to keep it free of mats and tangles. They must also be bathed occasionally, but not too often as over-bathing can spoil their coat’s natural oils. Some Springer Spaniels may also need their coats trimmed or clipped to keep them looking tidy.

Cocker Spaniels, on the other hand, have a longer coat that is prone to matting and tangling if not groomed regularly. Your Cocker Spaniels require regular brushing to prevent mats and tangles from forming and regular bathing to keep their coat clean and shiny. Cocker Spaniels also often require more frequent professional grooming to maintain their coat and prevent it from becoming overgrown and unmanageable. There are two Cocker Spaniels, and both the English Cocker and American Cocker Spaniels shed. Due to the breed’s extreme hairiness, cockers require regular grooming and coat care.

Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel Performance

Springer Spaniels are generally larger than Cocker Spaniels, with longer legs and a more athletic build. They were originally bred to flush and retrieve game and are known for their excellent hunting abilities. Springer Spaniels are highly energetic and need a lot of exercises, making them great companions for active owners.

Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel Performance

On the other hand, Cocker Spaniels were originally bred as gun dogs to flush and retrieve game birds, but they are smaller and more compact than Springer Spaniels. They are highly social and affectionate dogs known for their loyal and friendly nature. Cocker Spaniels are also highly trainable and enjoy participating in sports such as agility, obedience, and tracking.

Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel Behavioral Difference

Similar to Miniature Schnauzer these Springers & Cocker Spaniels are friendly, energetic, and intelligent breeds popular as family pets and hunting dogs. However, there are some differences in their behaviors and temperament.

Springer Spaniels are typically more active and energetic than Cocker Spaniels. They were bred as hunting dogs and had a strong prey drive, which means they may be more likely to chase small animals and birds. They require plenty of exercises and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

Cocker Spaniels are slightly smaller and more laid-back than Springer Spaniels. They were also bred as hunting dogs but specifically trained to flush out woodcock birds. They are gentle and affectionate and are known for being great with children.

Both breeds are intelligent and eager to please, which makes them relatively easy to train. However, they can be prone to separation anxiety and may become destructive if left alone for long periods.

Working Springer Spaniel vs Working Cocker Spaniel

Usually, the working spaniels are outgoing, eager to please, intelligent, and obedient. They are naturally friendly and calm dogs. They make ideal hunting companions because of their alertness and attentiveness. They require light exercise, and if left alone for a long time, they may develop destructive tendencies out of boredom. Working Springer Spaniels are loyal companions who may experience separation anxiety if left alone for an extended period.

Working Cocker Spaniels are incredibly loyal to their families and dedicated to their work. These canines require plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation. The Working Cocker Spaniel must be kept entertained and physically active. Shor strolls won’t work for them.

Springer Spaniel Puppies vs Cocker Spaniel Puppies

Springer Spaniel Puppies vs Cocker Spaniel Puppies

Springer and Cocker Spaniel puppies are popular choices as family pets, but they differ in their characteristics and needs.

Springer Spaniel puppies are known for their high energy levels and love of exercise. They are larger than Cocker Spaniel puppies, typically weighing between 40 and 50 pounds as adults. Springer Spaniels are intelligent and loyal and make great companions for active families who enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, running, and swimming.

Cocker Spaniel puppies, on the other hand, are smaller than Springer Spaniels, weighing between 20 and 30 pounds as adults. They are known for their sweet and gentle nature, and they make great family pets for those who prefer a calmer, more laid-back lifestyle. Cocker Spaniels are intelligent, affectionate, and adapt well to apartment living.

Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel: Which One Breed is Best for You

When choosing between a Springer Spaniel and a Cocker Spaniel, there are several factors to consider. Both breeds have unique characteristics and can make great pets, but which is best for you depends on your lifestyle and preferences.

Here are some key differences to consider:


If you compare Springer Spaniel vs Cocker Spaniel size – the Springer males weigh up to 55 pounds and females can reach a maximum of 50 pounds, while Cocker Spaniels typically weighs between 20-30 pounds. A Cocker Spaniel may be the better choice if you have a smaller living space or prefer a smaller dog.

Energy Level

Both breeds are active and need plenty of exercise, but Springer Spaniels are known for their high energy levels and love for running and playing. A Springer Spaniel may be a great fit if you’re an active person who enjoys outdoor activities and can provide plenty of exercises. However, a Cocker Spaniel may be more suitable if you prefer a dog that’s a little more relaxed and content with moderate exercise.



Both breeds are friendly and affectionate, but Springer Spaniels are generally more outgoing and sociable with strangers, while Cocker Spaniels may be a bit more reserved. A Springer Spaniel may be the way to go if you’re looking for a dog that loves everyone and is always eager to make new friends. But a Cocker Spaniel may be a better fit if you prefer a dog that’s more loyal and protective of its family, a Cocker Spaniel may be a better fit.

Which One is better as a family pet

After reading all the facts and differences between these spaniels, choosing one of the Cocker or Springer Spaniels as a family pet should be easy.  Springer & Cockers can make excellent family pets, but some differences between the breeds may make one more suitable for your family than the other.

You may also have heard about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, officially classified as toy dogs, who are the ideal companion animals. They work best for those who prefer a flexible friend. They are great family dogs and adapt well to low- and high-activity environments. The difference between cocker spaniel and cavalier king Charles is that the Cavalier was developed as a toy dog and is often regarded as the ideal companion dog.

Whether you choose a cocker or springer spaniel as family pet, remember your pets are the only company that gives you unconditional affection and fidelity.


1.  What is Better Cocker Spaniel or Springer Spaniel?

Answer:  With almost similar energy levels, both these dogs are great as family dogs. In general, Cocker Spaniels do much better whenever left alone for longer periods of time. Springer Spaniels may experience anxiety issues. Therefore, Cocker Spaniel can be more suitable.

2.  Which is the Easiest Spaniel to Train?

Answer:  A Cocker Spaniel is one of the greatest little, simple-to-train dogs due to its lively spirit.

3.  Do Springer Spaniels Need More Exercise Than Cocker Spaniels?

Answer:  Yes, Springer Spaniels need more exercise than Cocker Spaniels.

4.  Are Springers Calmer Than Working Cockers?

Answer:  They have a similar temperament, so it’s hard to tell. While each dog has a unique personality, Springer Spaniels generally tend to be calmer and less high-strung than Working Cocker Spaniels.

5.   Are Cocker Spaniels Hard to Toilet Train?

Answer:  Although cocker spaniels are not naturally challenging to potty train, they can still have their unique difficulties, just like any other dog breed


Both the Springer Spaniels and the Cocker Spaniels are great breeds of dogs with unique traits and characteristics. While both breeds have similar physical appearances, they differ in size, personality, and purpose. Springer Spaniels are larger, more energetic, and typically used for hunting and retrieving game birds. In contrast, Cocker Spaniels are smaller, more docile, and often kept as companion dogs. When choosing between these breeds, you must consider your lifestyle and preferences to ensure that you find the right fit for you and your family.