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So far Kailynn N has created 157 blog entries.

Is Doggy Daycare Good For Socializing Your Cocker Spaniels?


As pet parents, we want our dogs to be well-rounded, fun, and healthy all the time. Oftentimes, we can do this ourselves by providing a good, loving environment. However, there are certain instances when we need to look outside our homes to keep them healthy. In this blog let's discover how doggy daycare is good

Dental Guide: American Cocker Spaniel Puppy’s Teeth Care


Cocker Spaniels are devoted adorable creatures that make for wonderful house pets. As pet parents, we want to make sure we are doing the best we can to keep them healthy, safe, and well-loved. The dental health of our dogs is one of the most important aspects we should get concerned with. More often than

Cherry Eye in American Cocker Spaniel Puppies and Dogs


American Cocker Spaniels are playful yet intelligent furry creatures. If you’re looking for a family dog to bring to your home, American Cocker Spaniels are just the amazing choice. They are good with children, lively, and very gentle. If you’re just looking for a dog to bring home, you might be concerned with their behavior,

Are Cocker Spaniels Good with Cats?


So, one day you may suddenly ask yourself: are cocker spaniels good with cats? The question may just pop up if you are planning to raise cats along with your cocker spaniel. Well, the cliché goes that dogs and cats do not mix. However, real-life is more complicated and a whole lot more easygoing

Precious Tips To Help You Spot An Ear Infection In Cocker Spaniels


Cocker Spaniel's ears are cute to look at. When groomed right, they usually are long, soft, and silky. Why check for Ear infections? Caring for the cocker spaniel goes beyond cleaning them with dog-friendly shampoos and conditioners. You also need to look out for its health. Cocker spaniel ears are especially prone to infections. All

Guidelines to Cleaning Cocker Spaniel Eyes


Cleaning your cocker spaniel’s eyes regularly is an important part of their grooming schedule. In this guide, we are going to discuss how to do that effectively. Steps to Cleaning Cocker Spaniel Eyes First, go to your veterinarian to ask about the best sterile saline solution you can use for your pet. You may also

Top 5 shampoos for cocker spaniels


Cocker spaniels were initially trained as hunting dogs. Today, they are cared for as house pets, but still remain highly trainable. Their long, luxurious fur need frequent grooming. With the best shampoo for cocker spaniels, their coats remain soft and silky.Cocker spaniels were initially trained as hunting dogs. Today, they are cared for as house

Cocker Spaniels and the influencing factors on their lifespan


Cocker Spaniel Lifespan should be an area of interest and education for an owner of this amazing breed. An effective way to enjoy your best friend for many years is to understand factors that can harm the health and longevity of your pet. The Cocker Spaniel’s even-temperament, beautiful coat, and aristocratic nature led to many

The evolution of the Cocker Spaniel Breeds


The Cocker Spaniel breed has been around since the 14th century, bred in Spain as a hunting dog. The Spaniels were specifically bred for ‘flushing out’ birds during a hunt (mostly woodcocks) and retrieving them. Spaniel is derived from ‘Spanish dog’ and the word ‘Cocker’ was added as a pre-fix due to the dog’s

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