As pet parents, we want our dogs to be well-rounded, fun, and healthy all the time. Oftentimes, we can do this ourselves by providing a good, loving environment. However, there are certain instances when we need to look outside our homes to keep them healthy. In this blog let’s discover how doggy daycare is good for socializing your Cocker Spaniels as well as other puppies.

Is Doggy Daycare Good For Socialization?

A daycare for dogs and puppies, much like a daycare for toddlers, will help your Cocker Spaniel socialize with other dogs. It will help them adjust to a different social setting outside your home. Furthermore, it also helps them exercise and energize – keep their bodies active and worked out.

You might be worried a daycare is the right choice for your Cocker Spaniel. That’s perfectly understandable. We all want the best for our dogs and we want to make sure we won’t put them in a stressful and unsafe situation. However, there are plenty of safe and dog-friendly daycares where your Cocker Spaniel can spend a couple of hours in.

Here are some potential benefits for your Cocker Spaniel if you decide to bring him or her to daycare.

1. It improves your Cocker Spaniel’s socialization

At daycare, your Cocker Spaniel will encounter not only fellow dogs but also humans. This allows him or her to interact with animals and people outside of your home.

It’s especially great if you don’t have other dogs at home. It helps relieve your Cocker Spaniel’s aggression towards other animals if there’s any. Furthermore, it just overall helps them co-exist with other animals more harmoniously and peacefully.

It’s highly recommended to bring your Cocker Spaniels to daycare as early as possible. If you get an adult Cocker, it’s not too late to socialize him or her either. Socializing your cocker spaniels is a long-term process that should continuously be encouraged.

2. It helps alleviate your Cocker Spaniel’s anxiety when you’re not around

As much as we want to be there for our furry best friends 24/7, there are some instances that we can’t. Be it for a holiday trip, a business meeting, or even a day of work – we tend to leave our dogs alone for some time. Thus, a daycare would be very helpful in keeping our dogs entertained and calm whenever we’re not around.

Furthermore, the socialization skills our dogs get from daycare help them more acclimatized for times when they are left alone at home. Some dogs are known to be destructive when left alone at home. You can certainly help your dog cope with this by bringing him to daycare.

3. It provides worthwhile activities for your dog

Sometimes long walks around the neighborhood and playing catch in your backyard just won’t cut it for your Cocker Spaniel. It might be best to shake things up a bit by bringing them to daycare. Daycares provide the most energizing and unique activities for your dog. Furthermore, it also allows them to play with other dogs during the games – further adding to their socialization time.

On another note, they are one of the best places to bring your dog whenever you’re not there for them. We highly encourage you to spend as much time as possible with your Cocker Spaniel. However, we also understand how sometimes it could not be possible. Ultimately, it helps alleviate our anxiety and guilt when we will leave our dogs on their own.

Socializing is such an integral part of any dog’s healthy life. Cocker Spaniels dogs are naturally sociable and adventure-seeking creatures. However they need an environment where they can interact with other animals, and people as well. Thus daycare is an excellent option to help socialize your Cocker Spaniels.