Training your Cocker Spaniel to stay inside a puppy pen can give you peace of mind when you need to leave him at home. You don’t need to stress about leaving your puppy for too long, and you don’t have to worry that he’s destroying your house.

A puppy den helps potty train your Cocker Spaniel puppy, keeps them safe, helps them learn to be comfortable being left alone, and prevents destructive chewing. They’ll also be able to control their behavior as they have to make choices like where to potty, where to sleep, what to chew on, and more.

What should you have in your puppy den?

The size of your puppy den depends on the size of your Cocker Spaniel. Generally, it shouldn’t be too spacious that they have potty accidents everywhere. Your puppy den should encourage your dog to eliminate in the designated area.

Here are some of the things that you should put inside your puppy den:

Sleeping Area/Crate

Put your Cocker Spaniel’s regular crate in one side of the puppy den, leaving the door open so that he can easily get inside whenever he has to rest. Having the door open gives your dog the idea that he can go inside by choice, and that the door won’t be closed on him.


Inside, put chew-proof bedding that can be taped down so that your dog doesn’t take it out and play with it. Choose a dog bed that is soft and cozy, so he associates his crate with comfort rather than confinement. If you choose not to crate train your Cocker Spaniel, a doggy bed will do.

Sleeping Area

Designated Potty Area

Put this far away from the crate or sleeping area. This is where your Cocker Spaniel will eliminate his waste, which means it might get stinky, and who would want to sleep next to a stinky pile of potty?

Your puppy den shouldn’t be filled with newspapers and pee pads. The idea is to train your puppy to eliminate his waste in one designated spot.

You can choose between taping down the edges of your puppy pee/potty pads, or by creating a raised dog litter box. Raising the potty area prevents toys and other items from being pushed into it.

Designated Potty Area

Chew Toys

Chew toys entertain your Cocker Spaniel puppy while you leave them unsupervised. The toys you should place inside your puppy’s den should be toys that will keep them busy, and that they can play with by themselves. These could include chew toys like teething packs, bones, and squeaky balls. It’s also a good idea to leave your puppy with his favorite toys to make him feel more comfortable.

You should also consider adding interactive activity toys to your dog zone, such as the Kong Classic Dog Toy, which you can fill with treats and goodies, or a treat ball toy that gives your Cocker Spaniel puppy some exercise while giving him a tasty reward.

Food and Water

Similar to the potty area, your dog’s food and water should be kept in a separate space to avoid dirtying your puppy den. Cocker Spaniel puppies are still messy eaters, so it’s best to contain the possible mess in one area that’s far from both the potty zone and crate. It’s best to use a spill-proof water bowl or no-drip water bottle.

If your puppy likes playing with his food bowl, you should consider tethering it to the edges of the den so that it stays in place.

Food and Water

Where should your puppy den be placed?

Ideally, your puppy den should be placed in a spacious, easy-to-clean area indoors. It should be free from any furniture and other items that your puppy might reach and chew on. The puppy den should be fully enclosed, so pick a space where you can easily secure the door so that your puppy doesn’t escape, such as a laundry room.

You could also set up an exercise pen around your dog’s sleeping area or crate. This is a common practice among Cocker Spaniel owners, as it is more secure and is easier to clean. If you choose to use an exercise pen, make sure that it’s placed securely against a wall so that your puppy doesn’t knock it over.

Cocker Spaniel Training at Cuttin Blue Farms

Training your American Cocker Spaniel to feel comfortable inside his puppy den can give you confidence as a pet owner. Your puppy will learn to keep himself busy even if you’re not around, as well as prevent damages to your furniture.

At Cuttin Blue Farms, we train American Cocker Spaniels to be independent and loving pets for families and service. We have a team of passionate people who dedicate their lives to animal wellness, making sure that our dogs are well-behaved and healthy.

Visit Cuttin Blue Farms to meet our American Cocker Spaniels for sale.