Summers are some of the hottest days of the year, and they actually pose a health risk for you and your cocker spaniel. Much like humans, our furry friends may suffer from the detrimental effects of the sun, namely heat stroke. It’s only fitting to keep cool this summer… and also have some fun while you spend fun-filled days with your cocker! As a member of the family, your dog requires your constant care. To keep him safe and healthy, you also have to make sure that he is happy. In this article we will talk about just that, here we will discuss fun and exciting activities your dog will love this summer.

Top Activities Your Dog Will Love This Summer

Here are some activities your dog will love this summer, make this summer worthwhile and enjoyable for your furry friend.

1. Take Early Morning Walks With Your Dog

Early Morning Walks with Your Dog in the Summer

Summer is not an excuse to be lazy—you have to keep your Cockers moving to make them alert and active.

Brisk walking in the morning is a healthy exercise routine for your dog and you also help channel their energy into a productive activity. You can carry a toy such as a ball or a frisbee to add some more fun to your walking expeditions.

Remember, early mornings are ideal to avoid the extreme heat of the sun. This will also keep you fit, too. This is one of the classic activities your dog will love this summer.

2. Plan a Treasure Hunting Trip in the Summer Vacation

Treasure Hunting with your dog

Have you heard of Geocaching? It’s a modern form of treasure hunting that has made waves in recent years. It uses GPS technology to find buried treasures in pinpoint locations.

Having your mutt join in on the fun can be a great experience for both of you. You can design one that makes use of their favorite chew toys or treats and encourages them to get their noses to work. Plus, it’s a great way of exploring nature! These fun activities are loved by most of the dogs.

3. Watch a Movie With Your Dog

If you haven’t experienced watching in a drive-in movie theater yet, summer might be the best season and it’s surely a date with your Cocker!

It’s a new activity that you can do with the whole family. It also enriches your mutt’s cognitive behavior. It’s an all-around great way to spend some time under the stars with your dog.

4. Have a Splash

Cockers love water activities, and summer makes playing in water extra fun! The beach is part of the summer tradition, but you could also opt for other bodies of water.

Even a day at a dog-friendly pool would do! It’s a great way to keep cool and beat the heat of the sun’s rays.

Before you go, make sure to prepare sun protection and a water bottle for your Cocker. Keep them out of choppy water and always be with them while swimming.

5. Camping Trip With Your Dog 

Camping with your dog in the Summer

Another classic yet unbeatable summer thing to do with your dog is camping trips. It can bring a lot of good doses of positivity.

Your Cocker loves to explore, and what better way to give them this than to bring them closer to nature?

Set up a tent in dog-friendly glamping and prepare for hiking with your dog. Prepare dog treats he loves; give him the best time soaking up the great outdoors.


Adventure on sunny days is possible when you bring your dog to any of these activities. Summer may be over faster than you think, so make the most out of it and spend quality bonding with your Cocker Spaniel! Hopefully, this mentioned fun activities your dog will love this summer.