Taking a hike to explore nature is an exciting and rewarding activity, and it doubles up as an exercise routine for your beloved Puppy or dog friend. Hiking a trail up a path can be taxing, though. So, there are a lot of things to consider when going for hiking with dog, your best companion for the trip.

A Few Questions To Ask Before Taking Your Dog To A Hiking Trip With You:

Is My Puppy Ready For A Hike?

The most important thing to ask is if your dog is ready to take on a hiking activity. For example, a cocker spaniel may have a high energy level and is a potential wanderlust breed, but there are limits to the intensity and exercise needs, so you have to adjust accordingly. Gauging your pet’s health before taking on the proper planning of the trip should come first before anything else.

Check physical fitness and health

To do this, you need to consult your dog’s veterinarian to make sure that you are not going to put your dog’s health at risk. You have to remember: not all dogs are hikers. Ask the vet about your pet’s physical status. Ensuring that they are free from any illness is a must. Also, getting an update on your pet’s vaccines helps boost their immune system to protect them from potentially harmful infections acquired while hiking. You can check these tips to keep your puppy fit always.

Consider their age

Aside from their health, you also have to consider their age before planning the hike with your puppy. Puppies can tolerate walks but hikes might give their young bones a lot of strain. Hiking would also take a toll on an older dog’s health.

If you are sure that your dog can take a hike, you can start preparing for the trip.

How Do I Pick A Safe Trail?

Picking a trail that is appropriate for both you and your dog is essential in achieving a successful hike. The best thing to do is check a trail’s regulations before picking it.

Location is also an important thing to consider. Some trails do not allow pets as companions, or some allow them as long as they are leashed. Check for any possible wildlife hazard that may spook your dog. A hike should be a relaxing experience for them as well, and bringing them to a trail that makes them anxious or stressed would put stress on you as well. If it’s summer you must take into consideration how long your cocker spaniel can be in the sun. So, counting all of these, a dog-friendly hiking place will be better both for you and your dog.

How Do I Get My Dog Ready For The Hiking Trip?

You need to make sure that you and your dog get enough practice for the long trip ahead. Start by taking little hikes every so often, especially when you are near the planned hiking date. Make sure you bring all the dog essentials needed for the hiking. You need to develop a pace that is comfortable with your pet. Also, this would help build their strength and stamina, especially when you up the distance and time of these practice hikes before the real one.

You should also reinforce obedience to your pet so that hiking would be easier for both of you. Teach them to stick close to you and listen to your commands, since the new environment might excite your dog. You can practice with a whistle to do this. The whistle is a great tool to work with dogs.

Final Talk On Going To hiking with Your Dog

Hiking is a form of exercise for your dog and is a great bonding moment for both owner and pet. Even a short hike with your dog might be a lifelong experience for both of you. Always remember these 5 things when hiking with your cocker to make your trip a safe and enjoyable one. With the right preparation and practice, you will surely be able to enjoy a nice hike up a trail with your furry sidekick.