As humans, we need to take care of our dogs. We must give them proper hygiene as frequently as possible. Otherwise, dogs are most likely to get different illnesses, irritations, and infections that cause them discomfort. One of the irritations that dogs get is Lip Fold Dermatitis.

Lip Fold Dermatitis in Dogs: What Is It?

Lip fold dermatitis is more common in dogs that have floppy features that come into touch with saliva at a much longer time frame. Cocker Spaniels have these kinds of lips. They are not an exception to this irritation.

Lip fold dermatitis can affect any dark section on body.

Most people who domesticate dogs with these characteristics like Cocker Spaniels say that lip fold dermatitis causes them to be foul-smelling.

Lip Fold Dermatitis: What Causes It?

The structure of a dog’s lip folds can sometimes be thick to provide an ideal environment for various germs to grow. Because of their anatomy, these breeds become prone to occurrences of dermatitis.

Changes in the weather where dogs pant more and generate more saliva, are also factors to this irritation.

Lip fold bacteria usually happens at any time. Bacteria can sometimes arise due to a change in chemical composition in a dog’s saliva. If you’ve ever had a yeast infection after taking antibiotics, you’re well aware of the dangers. Their saliva chemistry structure has changed.

Lip Fold Dermatitis in Dogs: Symptoms

A smelly odor, as well as redness of the section, are among the indicators of Lip Fold Dermatitis in Cocker Spaniels.

Lip fold dermatitis in Cocker Spaniels causes the following symptoms:

  • Inflammation or redness in fold.
  • Folds have a foul odor.
  • Change in color of hair mouth.
  • Awkward rubbing at the lips or face.
  • The pain kicks in if their mouth area is touched.

Lip Fold Dermatitis: How to Prevent It

Lip Fold Dermatitis: How to Prevent It

Lip fold dermatitis is treated differently depending on the cause, severity, and frequency of the condition. However, there are common ways to prevent this irritation.

Keep your dog’s lip folds always dry to avoid this condition.

Brush your dog’s teeth after gently wiping. It is critical to keep it always clean.

Don’t scold your dog and never clean their mouth before allowing them to eat. If haven’t yet cleaned a dog’s mouth before, make the procedure as simple as possible.

Do you know where the dog’s upper tooth rests? Consider the amount of spit and bacteria that may be present in that seemingly benign space. That is why you should keep that area clean all the time.

Lip fold dermatitis can be caused by almost anything such as the food or water bowl. This irritation can be worsened by any friction.

If nothing is healing your dog’s jowls, consider surgery as a last resort.

Cocker Spaniel owners should be more vigilant during the summer when the dog is drooling more. The likelihood for bacteria forming in a dark and warm spot is considerable whenever you have a dog with wrinkles in the lip.

Other than giving the Spaniels proper hygiene, you can also give them medicine to prevent or to alleviate the irritation.

Antibiotics, antifungals, and specialized shampoos for the irritation may be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Your veterinarian should demonstrate the correct ways to apply the ointment or other medication. You don’t want your dog to eat anything. It is also not just about the lip, but rather the dark, damp part known as its lip fold.

The sections turn moist, red, and itchy. This can also emit an unpleasant scent and be slightly warm.

There is also a change for the loss of hair to happen in dogs with severe lip fold dermatitis. Ulcers arise when the inflamed skin breaks down. Bacterial infection is possible.

There is also a change for the loss of hair to happen in dogs with severe lip fold dermatitis

Yeast infections can also happen because yeast thrives in moisture located the dog skin folds. These lip folds are also prone to becoming moist.

Lip dermatitis is more common in some breeds like Cocker Spaniels than other breeds due to their bigger lips which are also more floppy.

This may also affect other sections of their skin, especially when drooping skin forms skin folds. If they are not maintained clean and dry, other areas, specifically the area on their toes, might get itchy.

Your veterinarian can diagnose this condition based on a physical exam. They may also perform fungal culture to establish the best solution for lip fold dermatitis.

If your dog did not have any infection, your veterinarian may suggest using shampoo to prevent illness. Fungal skin infections such as folds are commonly treated with topical ointments. Antibiotics are possibly required if they have their own kind of skin infection.

This condition might also sometimes lead to recurring skin infections. This depends with the microorganisms involved, as they can be dangerous. The veterinarian may propose surgical removal of the lip folds to avoid additional infection.

To remove dirt from food, clean the lips regularly, or even better especially after eating. Keeping the folds of the lips dry helps prevent the growth of fungus and germs.


Always give your Cocker Spaniels proper hygiene. Dog lip fold dermatitis can be avoided by simply having their lip folds always clean and dry.

Not only will it cause them discomfort, but it will give you problems as well. Keeping them clean also makes them happy and healthy thus, this highlights the significance of taking excellent care of them.