When you bring a new puppy home, setting schedules and developing a routine for your new cocker spaniel puppy is an important thing. Without proper schedules and routines, you cannot train your puppy accordingly. Besides, when you give a routine, the dogs thrive on that. Establishing routines and schedules is one of the most important things in your cocker spaniel puppy’s homecoming. That is why today we will give you a guide on setting schedules and developing a routine for your new cocker spaniel puppy.

Do I Need to Prepare a Schedule for My Cocker Spaniel Puppy?

When you bring home a new puppy, the puppy needs time to adjust to the pristine environment. First, he will be a little uncomfortable around the home. However, developing a proper schedule will make the adjusting process less troublesome. It will be great for you and your puppy. With time, the cocker spaniel puppy will know what the proper acceptable routine around the house is. So, there will be fewer accidents and messes in your home.

Having said that, here are some important routines or schedules that you can follow for your new cocker spaniel puppy.

Schedule Regular Breaks

One of the most important things you should do is take your puppy outside at least every four hours. This is important for house training. Besides, it will lower the risk of accidents. So, make sure to do that.

Playtime is Crucial

Your cocker spaniel puppy needs interactions and exercise with you. So, make sure to encourage the puppy in activities such as playing, running around the yard, and mental stimulation. However, some experts advise waiting until the puppy is about one year old to start these types of activities. But, considering the rate of growth and energy level of the cocker spaniels, you do not have to wait one year. Even the 03- or 04-months old cocker spaniel puppies are highly energetic. Therefore, some soft exercise is necessary.

Bedtime and Naps

Bedtime and Naps

Young cocker spaniel puppies sleep a good amount of time. For instance, some puppies sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. So, it is always better if you can plan several nap times for your puppy. During the day, keep your young family members away from the puppy. Especially your kids. They might disturb the cocker spaniel puppy. Another thing you could do is place the dog crate in a quiet spot. So, the puppy will not be distracted again.

A cocker spaniel puppy needs a proper place to sleep. Therefore, arrange a place that is comfortable for the puppy. That place should be specific. Do not change the place from time to time. Let the puppy settle down. So, the puppy will know where to sleep.

Flexible Feeding Schedule

A mature cocker spaniel will eat one or two times a day. On the other hand, a puppy needs to eat at least three times a day. Therefore, planning his mealtime is crucial. Besides, it will be easy for you to remember. Plan the puppy’s mealtime according to your mealtimes. It will ease your workload immensely. Also, wash the water bowl and fill it with water regularly.

A Sample Cocker Spaniel Puppy Schedule

If you need more tips on setting schedules and developing a routine for your new cocker spaniel puppy, we got a few more tricks in our sleeves.

  • Early in the Morning: First thing in the morning, take your puppy outside to relieve himself. After he is done, playfully interact with him.
  • Breakfast time: When breakfast time comes, leave the food on his plate for only 15 minutes. After that, remove the bowl and do not give him any more food until the next scheduled meal. However, it is okay to give him treats for training purposes. After eating, the puppy might need to relieve himself again. So, take him outside.
  • Noon: Most of the time, after breakfast the puppy will take a nap. So, wait until he is awake and repeat the morning routine.
  • Dinner and Bedtime: Arrange the puppy’s meal according to your dinner time. Take him outside after he finished eating. Then set the bedtime is at 8.00 pm or 9.00 pm. Let him sleep.

Benefits of Developing a Routine or Schedule

Benefits of Developing a Routine or Schedule

There are lots of benefits of developing a routine or schedule. For the sake of the article, here are some of them.

  • It makes your dog a well-mannered pet
  • No unplanned event
  • You can make a schedule for playtime, feeding time, bedtime, or nap time.
  • Excellent for hyper cocker spaniel puppies

Wrap Up

We hope now you have a good idea about the importance of setting schedules and developing a routine for your new cocker spaniel puppy. So, set up schedules and routines according to the above guidelines and it will make your cocker spaniel puppy more disciplined.