A Road Trip with  Dogs can be great fun. The fun can be endless when you have your Cocker Spaniel at your side. But this requires careful planning, such as planning for food breaks, bathroom breaks, and exercise breaks. Before you go, make sure you have mapped out safe places for your cocker spaniel to take breaks. Many rest areas now have doggy areas but check before you go. Make a list of everything you need to take with you.

15  Tips For a Seamless Road Trip with Dogs

Follow these road trip with dogs tips for a fun and safe car trip with your cocker spaniel:

1.  Travel Safely:

Fit your car with a pet harness or travel crate before your journey. Whichever you decide to use, make sure your cocker spaniel is well-acquainted with it before your car trip. You can fit a barrier between the front and back of your car so your dog can’t come forward and distract you while you’re driving. If using a crate, make sure it is secured so it can’t move around during your trip.

2.  Start with Short Trips before going on long Road Trip with Dogs:

If taking your cocker spaniel on a long car trip for the first time, take some short trips first. Make these enjoyable, such as a trip to the park, and reward him, so he sees car trips as something to look forward to. You will also want to see how your pet responds to traveling by car to avoid any unwanted surprises.

You don’t want to set out on a long trip only to discover your cocker spaniel gets car-sick. In this case, your vet may be able to prescribe something. Or you can get dog chews containing ginger to relieve nausea. But be aware beforehand so you can plan accordingly.

3.  Anxiety:

Cocker Spaniels that are used to car trips from an early age often enjoy them. But long car trips can make older dogs anxious. If the trip can’t be avoided, talk to your vet. He may be able to provide something for anxiety. You can also buy over-the-counter stress and anxiety supplements. The best solution is good sleep. You might ask what can I give my dog to sleep while traveling? The solution is a dog sedative for travel. Just make sure they are prescribed by your veterinarian.

4.  Rest Stops:

Happy dog after Rest Stops

Feed your cocker spaniel at least an hour before you start your trip. Try to leave an hour before you set off again when you feed your pet en route. You can use this time to walk and enjoy the scenery. Remember to keep your cocker spaniel on a leash at all times when near roads. If you are in a safe place such as a park, you can play a game with a tug toy. Your cocker spaniel will need to use up pent-up energy after being restrained in your car.

Traveling with dogs in car long distance can be tiring for you and the dog. You should plan for an exercise break every 2-3 hours. Play with your cocker spaniel and give him attention and reassurance.

5.  Overnight Accommodation during Road Trip with Dogs:

If you’re going to be away overnight, you may consider glamping with your pooch or a pet-friendly accommodation. Some pet-friendly accommodation charge heavily for pets so be sure to check out prices. It is a good idea to bring cloths to cover furniture and cleaning supplies to clean up after your pet to avoid hefty cleaning bills.

6.  Take Water:

You must Bring plenty of water with you from home when traveling with a dog. Some cocker spaniels don’t like to drink water from strange locations. Spare water is also useful if you get stranded somewhere without fresh, clean water.

7.  Bring Food:

If your cocker spaniel is fussy about what he eats, bring your own food from home. You should keep spare food with you for accidents and emergencies in any case. This will save you money on your next road trip with dogs.

8.  Pack Bowls:

Take your pet’s drinking and feeding bowls. Especially if your cocker spaniel is only used to eating and drinking from his own bowls. Non-slip varieties are best.

9.  Necessary Equipment during Road Trip With Dog:

Bring regular equipment, such as grooming equipment, a doggy bed, a favorite blanket, and favorite toys. Take a spare leash and collar, in case his usual one gets dirty or damaged. And bring bags and scoop to clean up doggy doos. If you plan for your cocker spaniel to go swimming during your car trip, take towels.

10.  Medical Supplies:

Medical Supplies for the dog during trip ensures safety

Take medical supplies, such as regular medicine and a first aid kit. First aid kits for dogs are available from pet stores and other main stores. If you want to make your own, the American Kennel Club has a list of what you should include.

11.  Medical Records and Tags:

Make sure your cocker spaniel’s injections are up-to-date and bring medical records with you in case he needs treatment during your trip. Make sure he is wearing his tags, including medical tags, in the event he gets separated from you.

12.  Bathroom Breaks During Road Trips with Dogs:

Stop for bathroom breaks at a rest area or park. Never stop on the side of a busy road. If your dog gets spooked, his leash could slip from your hand and he could dash into oncoming traffic. You can download an app or visit websites to find dog-friendly places in the location you are traveling.

13.  Gas Stations:

Make sure your cocker spaniel remains restrained when you stop to fill up your car. Gas stations can be dangerous places, with lots of cars coming and going. Make sure your pet stays in the car.

14.  Car Windows:

Traveling with dogs in the car can get risky at times. Keep car windows closed or merely cracked. Cocker spaniels may enjoy sticking their heads out car windows, but they could get grit or insects caught in their eyes and throat. For safety reasons, don’t let him stick his head out of car windows.

15.  Car Safety during road trips:

Never leave your cocker spaniel alone in your car. Cars can heat up very quickly even on mild days. Leaving a dog alone in a car even for a short time can be fatal.

Road Trip with Dogs: Conclusion

Going on a car trip with your best pal can be great fun. But make sure it is also safe for him.  Plan carefully. That way you will ensure your pet stays safe and you both have fun. Just follow these tips for a fun and safe car trip with your cocker spaniel.