Do you know what to look out for when checking cocker spaniel pregnancy signs? There are tell-tale indications that your dog is pregnant such as changes in appetite, weight, and behavior. Some physical changes can also be observed. This guide will aid you in determining whether your pooch is expecting.

Cocker spaniel pregnancy signs

Identifying signs of pregnancy in cocker spaniels is easy if you know what they are and when they will likely occur.

Changes In Appetite during the gestation periods

A cocker spaniel can experience two varying changes in the way they approach food during pregnancy. Some dogs may suffer from morning sickness, which makes them less attracted to food. On the other hand, they may also often feel hungry and ask for food immediately. Either way, any change you observe in their appetite can be a good sign of pregnancy.


Though the personality and temperament of Cocker Spaniels are calm and playful you must expect your cocker spaniel’s behavior to change once they are carrying a pup. They tend to be clingy and attached to you, or they may display an off-putting attitude. Your cocker spaniel could hide away and prefer privacy to bonding with any member of your family.

Decreased energy

It’s a common experience for pregnant cocker spaniels to become less energetic. The hormonal changes can take a toll on their body and make them feel tired.  During the cocker spaniel gestation period, you may find them weak and disinterested.

Physical Changes during the cocker spaniel pregnancy time

Your pooch’s nipples can become darker and more swollen, and they may also hang lower compared to normal. It is one of the evident cocker spaniel pregnancy signs that you should check if you are wondering whether your dog is expecting.

How early the signs show

Cocker Spaniel pregnancy length lasts around 9 weeks. However, your cocker spaniel can show few outward signs in the first few weeks, particularly changes in its weight. However, they often act their normal self, which could get confusing if you don’t know where to look.

Some dogs can experience morning sickness and tiredness by the third or fourth week. If your pooch suffers from it, you may prepare them smaller meal portions throughout the day. Making sure they eat properly is vital, especially when cocker spaniel giving birth.

how to tell if cocker spaniel is pregnant "

While such signs are hit-and-miss, you can find a good veterinarian to know for certain. They can perform a scan using ultrasound, ideally thirty days after their mating. However, early-stage scans may not show anything in the first two weeks.

While the ultrasound scan will detect the pup’s heartbeats, it won’t be able to determine an accurate count of puppies your dog is carrying.

‘Feeling’ for pregnancy

Aside from cocker spaniel pregnancy signs, another commonly asked question by owners is if you can feel if your dog is expecting. In the early stages, it would be impossible to feel for pregnancy. However, as the puppies grow inside the womb, then you might be able to sense the cocker spaniel baby inside.

However, you must know the appropriate way of feeling for puppies so as not to hurt or cause discomfort. If otherwise, it is best to leave it to the vet or ask them to show you how.

First mating: can they really get pregnant?

How to tell if cocker spaniel is pregnant? Your cocker spaniel can get pregnant after the first mating. They can even carry pups on their first season, but experts don’t recommend it because she is still young and developing. It is more ideal to wait for her to mature, preventing any risks and complications during gestation.

how long are cocker spaniels pregnant for

Since dogs aren’t discriminate when it comes to mating, so you should keep your cocker spaniel away from male attention. That includes any dog they live with or their brothers.

About false pregnancies

Unfortunately, false pregnancies can occur. Untrue, cocker spaniel pregnancy signs may show about six to twelve weeks after being in season. You may observe her gathering clothes, towels, or blankets to create a ‘nest’, seemingly preparing for puppies. She might also nurse stuff such as shoes or soft toys.

False pregnancy may last for around three weeks. During this time, their hormones will reach a similar level to that of a pregnant cocker. If the signs take longer than that, you should seek a vet’s help to diagnose her properly.

Is it possible to stop unwanted pregnancy?

There are instances when your dog experiences unplanned mating and conceives as a result. The best way to stop unwanted pregnancies is to always look after your pooch. Proper prevention and caution go a long way in caring for your dog.

Your vet may also offer medical solutions such as giving an injection shot. However, there is no 100% guarantee that it works.

How often cocker spaniels get pregnant

The ideal gap between litters is at least a year to ensure your cocker spaniel’s safety and the puppies’ as well. If your pooch’s first litter doesn’t have any complications and is generally healthy, then it would be reasonable to expect that their consecutive pregnancies would be fine, too.

For cocker spaniels, a maximum of three to four litters is recommended within their lifetime. They may get pregnant with at least three to seven puppies in every litter.

Watching out for cocker spaniel pregnancy signs is part of your journey as a fur parent. It is a rewarding experience that you and your dog can go through with the right professional help.

Watching out for cocker spaniel pregnancy signs is part of your journey as a fur parent especially when you become the guardian homes for cocker spaniels. In time of pregnancy your dog need extra care. It is a rewarding experience that you and your dog can go through with the right professional help.